It’s interesting how language changes and the definition of words morphs from one thing to another. Christian used to denote a member of a religion dedicated to love and acceptance. Now it means evangelical wingnut. Likewise “patriot” denoted a person of honor and high principle, who loved one’s country. Now it is an identifier for proponents of election fraud fantasies.

Taking that into account, “patriots” in Arizona want you to know that they are trying to foment a constitutional crisis, by “auditing” the results of the 2020 election state by state and that will trigger a constitutional crisis which will enable them to show Joe Biden the door. This is gibberish of the highest magnitude.

“Let me explain what I mean, we want to get to a point where we have these audits done in these respective states, and when information comes out to be just like Antrim County (Michigan), now we can then catapult that into another state and then another state and another state and another state and the next thing you know, we are now in a constitutional crisis,” he argued.

If anybody knows WTH he’s talking about, please tell the rest of us. Nothing new happened in Antrim County. The votes were audited back in December and the audit confirmed the certified results. So what this whacko thinks Antrim County is supposed to be an exemplar of is not known.

And as to catapulting the unknown result he’s referencing from state to state until there’s a constitutional crisis, that’s unintelligible.

In all events, there may be matters which keep Joe Biden awake at night, but this isn’t one of them. What is worth noting, however, is that this is one more rock on the pile of disinformation and disinformation is polluting the political groundwaters in this country.


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    • Good ones guys … your duet of wisdom will soon become the roar of laughter from all the Dems as they breeze by the remnants of Trump Towers everywhere … the shadows of Trump Industry will fade into the very soil they fall on now …

      Trump and all his , “isim’s”, will not be remembered at all, except as the biggest fraud of all, fomented by the shit for brains, himself … the Irish had him pegged from day one, calling him the biggest joke in politics ever … our Irish friends were the ones that called him a shitgibbon 4 years ago …

  1. Hey, Q-Nuts, here’s a more relevant bit of Latin for you: “Sic transit gloria mundi.” You might actually remember that as the last line in Roger Corman’s Masque of The Red Death. It means “Thus passes the glory of the world.” THAT is you folks.


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