You remember Marshall McLuhan’s famous statement, “The medium is the message.” That’s the case here. More specifically, the outlet is the message. The outlet in question is the The National Pulse, run by Steve Bannon and Raheem Kassam, the latter being a pro-Trump, former editor of Breitbart, London bureau. Here is what they released.

The question that leaps to mind is, is this true? Or, is it just part of disrupting the political scene, which is what Steve Bannon excels at? His promotion of RFK, Jr., is brilliant, in that regard. The part that interests me, is why bother sabotaging DeSantis, when he’s doing such a great job of it himself?

Put this in context: Either way, this is bad news for DeSantis. He’s actively got Trump’s allies and cronies after him. So this could be part of that phenomenon, which is understandable. But if the target audience buys this, and the right wing of the Republican party, the extreme right wing, in fact, which is what DeSantis is targeting, then that’s bad for DeSantis. That means that DeSantis’ already shaky campaign and tenuous grip on second place is being openly threatened.

So then the question becomes: Is the right-wing media going to take DeSantis down, or is he going to do it, or both?

Here’s a video you’ll enjoy.

You’ll love this. Walk down memory lane.

It was a lifetime ago. It was a different world. This may still be the planet Earth but it’s a different world. I can tell you I’m a different person. November 8, 2016 was a life altering experience for me. And it took America down some interesting roads she had never seen before. The voyage continues.

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    • No doubt the bible thumpers will have them going around with a bell calling out “Unclean! Unclean!” and then toss them in a pit

    • Why does this not surprise me? With all the backassward nonsense DeStain and his cronies are pulling in that god-forsaken place, what better evidence than to start seeing diseases like this popping up. What’s next, plague? Locusts? Nothing too good for Ronnie.

    • question is how it got there. it isn’t an insect vectored disease, nor airborne. it requires close contact to pass.

      • Close and frequent contact with someone who has it. It can lie dormant for 20 years or better but often will show up within a year after being infected.

    • Kewl! Now let’s do cholera and yellow fever!
      Not a lot of chance of getting back scurvy in Florida, what with all the oranges. Mebe we can talk the wrong-wingers into not eating them.


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