It’s a two-edged sword that the clip you’re about to see doesn’t run on longer than it does. On the one hand, it’s hilarious, as anything Rudy Giuliani utters these days is, because the man has lost any sense of dignity or proportion that he may have ever had. He’s gone from America’s Mayor to America’s Punchline.

On the other hand, hearing just how crazy Rudy can get is annoying. You know that he knows on some level that he’s making this all up as he goes along and hoping it will fly. The only thing funnier is hearing what he has to say about it the next day. Sometimes he tries to do damage control, most of the time he doesn’t bother.

Here, Rudy has pretty much given up. Gone are the days when he used to put in contact lenses and put coloring of some sort on his grey hair. He has too little hair to fuss with and he doesn’t even care enough about appearances to slip on a jacket. He’s got this bizarre check printed garment — frankly, if he pulls out a sharpie and starts playing tic tac toe with himself, it would not surprise me.

Rudy has been quoted as saying that he “didn’t give a damn” about his legacy and we believe that. We have been believing that for quite a number of years now and certainly since he threw his lot in with Donald Trump over the stolen election debacle.

That was Rudy’s “brainstorm.” You may recall excerpts from the Washington Post and various places that it was an inebriated Rudy’s idea to “just say you won,” and Mark Meadows, even, said that that was “irresponsible.”

Irresponsibility and fantasy, not to mention alcoholic thinking, carried the day. I mention this because Trump was corrupt and desperate enough to listen to Giuliani and that’s on Trump but if Giuliani had maintained a shred of the professionalism or decency he once had, he would never even have proposed any of this madness to Trump in the first place.

History will show America’s Mayor as America’s downfall. Giuliani is a key figure in both January 6 and the Big Lie and all that followed.

And frankly, I expect Rudy to get even stranger. He’s turned a corner here and as Trump’s fortunes dwindle and the Trump house of cards falls, I expect Rudy to go even farther off the rails.


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  1. Maybe there should be a countdown clock for when the transmission fluid that surrounds the gears where his brain used to be builds up to too high a pressure again. We’ve seen it happen after all – the bulging eyes and streaks down both side of his face from the leaks in his skull!

  2. Personally… he can stfu and/or wait for a pardon locked up. But but… given the doj … reticence in convicting old white men who are vile but not “dangerous “… oh well. (Ffs). But hey as long as a black man I Deep South can serve decades for stealing a loaf of bread… as is well!!! Yay (ditto ffs. Again) besides what is wrong with a little conspiracy (among fools and idiots & dunces) a little incitement, a stochastic terrorism incident or two or several. Doj and fbi have a federalist society to protect. Priorities folks. Gotta have them. And yes, I use vinegar and baking soda to clean things. I am used to smell by now. Although need more in my salads (too many fakes out there. Who needs regulations or regulators. Thank goodness for saint ray-gun!)

  3. Rudy and Donnie, two addled clowns who have run out their luck and are headed to the House of Many Doors. If there is a god, they will become roommates for the rest of their years and can do each other’s hair.

    America’s Mayor: maybe Francis Suarez? Another bozo, or maybe a guy who can at least drag Republicans back to the real world?

  4. When your legacy is a once respected D.A. and mayor makes a rapid descent into grift, dishonesty, and stupidity, you’d want to forget it as well. He is leaving his life with most of the country, world perhaps, thinking he is one of the biggest fools in the U.S. for following one of the stupidest people in the nation. Unless he has already descended into madness/dementia, he has to realize how bad/foolish he looks. He surely realizes he backed the wrong horse and there are not going to be any jets flying into buildings to make him look anything other than pathetic.


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