Rudy Puts His Foot In His Mouth Again, This Time Contradicting White House On AT&T Merger


It’s not the least bit surprising that prestigious law firm Greenberg Taurig pulled the plug on Rudy Giuliani this week. The man is a walking bundle of contradictions, not exactly the hallmark of a top attorney. Now Rudy is stepping into it up to his ankles on the AT&T merger issue, steadfastly maintaining that Trump blocked the AT&T Time Warner merger. Rudy is apparently oblivious to the fact that, if right, this is a standard departure by Trump of presidential protocol.

If Rudy didn’t misspeak himself, it wouldn’t be a day ending in a “y.”

CBS News:

Rudy Giuliani is standing by his Friday comment about President Trump blocking the AT&T merger with Time Warner, telling CBS News correspondent Paula Reid the Trump administration is blocking the merger and that he believes President Trump and the Trump administration are one and the same.

Giuliani told CBS News he was making the point that the administration’s opposition to the merger shows Mr. Trump was not at all swayed by money his longtime lawyer, Michael Cohen, received from the company. Cohen, Giuliani confirmed, no longer represents Mr. Trump.

On Friday, Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s newest personal lawyer, told HuffPost that Mr. Trump “denied the merger” between the two companies, contradicting earlier statements from the White House and Department of Justice that the president was not involved. Giuliani made the remarks after it was revealed AT&T’s senior executive vice president of external and legislative affairs, Bob Quinn, was involved in agreeing to pay longtime Trump lawyer Michael Cohen a reported $600,00 for what the company described as “insights” into the Trump administration’s positions. “Whatever lobbying was done didn’t reach the president,” Giuliani told HuffPost. “He did drain the swamp … The president denied the merger. They didn’t get the result they wanted.”


Now the smart money believes that Rudy is doing everything he can to distance Trump from Michael Cohen, who its generally agreed is the sacrificial lamb. Fox News has abandoned Cohen, if you missed that tidbit, and once you’re lost Fox News, you’ve lost everything, in the Kingdom of Trump. So, Cohen is gone in his role of goombah personal lawyer to Trump and now Trump has Rudy as the new fixer. Rudy wants us to know that the issue of the Mueller interview will be resolved by May 17, which is the year anniversary of Mueller’s appointment, and that the interview is definitely tabled until after June 12, date of the Singapore Summit with Kim Jong Un.

“The president has been very busy,” Giuliani said. “It really would be pretty close to impossible to spend the amount of time on it we would need.”

It sounds like Rudy is the one who will be prepping Trump for the interview on and those facts, one thing is absolutely certain: you ain’t seen nothing yet.

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