Donald, Donald, why didn’t you leave Rudy where he was? He was in that nice cemetery floating between dimensions where the ghosts of politics past occasionally arise from their crypts and relive their former glories. Rudy Giuliani had a well tended plot right next to Joe Lieberman and they used to invite Bob Dole over, via seance. Those were the good old days.

But you couldn’t leave it alone, Donald, not you, and so now Rudy is sounding more and more confused as the days go by. He’s playing fast and loose with so many conspiracy theories simultaneously that even he doesn’t know the difference between them, anymore. You probably heard today, already, that the Capitol riot was not caused by himself (you must have imagined hearing “trial by combat” so did I) and Trump, no it was caused by double agents from the Lincoln Project and Antifa, via the Twilight Zone. Or something. You see if you can figure it out. Take your time, you’re not alone.

This was on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast, and as, you see, it was too batshit even for Bannon. When you’ve reached that juncture, you have travelled quite a piece down the road — yes, the one that leads to Hell, that’s the one we’re talking about here. Daily Beast:

Giuliani, meanwhile, spun a tale about how this one person purportedly linked to The Lincoln Project had the “same motivation as the antifa people had,” which was to “blow this thing up.” He went on to say a lot of the right-wing groups involved in the riot “weren’t pro-Trump” and that the “biggest problems were caused by antifa—where the shooting took place.”

(It appears Giuliani is linking John Sullivan, who recorded the footage of Ashli Babbitt’s shooting and was later arrested for taking part in storming the Capitol, to antifa. While Sullivan took part in Black Lives Matter demonstrations in the past, left-wing groups have long denounced him as an “agent provocateur” looking to exploit protest violence for fame.)

“So who’s the guy working with The Lincoln Project?” Bannon eventually circled back.

“I don’t know if I can reveal his name,” Giuliani muttered. “Because we have that from anonymous sources. But he worked in the past for [Utah Sen. Mitt] Romney.”

Bannon, in an oddly rare self-reflective moment, said they are “getting blown up all the time” for tossing out specious and inflammatory speculation of this nature.

“You can’t throw a charge out there like that and then say, ‘I have a double secret probation guy who I can’t mention but he worked for Romney and worked for The Lincoln Project,’” he further scolded Giuliani.

We have now entered a dimension, friend, where the voice of reason is Steve Bannon. Put that one in your crack pipe and smoke it. My Gawd, how many more of these alternate universes will we be travelling through before now and bedtime, do you suppose? And then we’ll wake up and have to believe six more impossible things before breakfast. If Rudy is in the news, that’s an absolute.

And where is Rudy’s co-defendant Sidney Powell? Anybody seen her lately? Maybe that’s why the Pences are couch surfing, they don’t want Sidney to find them. Can’t say as how we blame them.

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  1. Trump supporters cannot keep their story straight. At least by trying to shift blame, they are tacitly acknowledging that what they did was wrong. That is the point we need to keep hammering, and not get sidetracked trying to refute their deflection.

    • That’s it, Dana. It’s all about avoiding justly earned blame for what they themselves did. January 6th may well prove to be the gift that keeps on taking.

  2. Shut up rudy you old, sad, decrepit has been. We dont want to see you face or hear your damn lies. Stick your head in a pail of water 3 times and pull it out twice you old f…!

  3. I think he saw Luke Skywalker and Han Solo conspiring behind the sex shop and heard them plotting to bring loyal Grand Ole Pissants to the crematorium

  4. I think this is why counter-protestors made it a point to not be there. Someone questioned their absence, shortly after this happened. I figured it was a way to show there is now way you could connect the left with this incident.

    • Oh YEAH…which I’m sure those morons who DID show up are now factoring into their conspiracy theories. It never occurs to these future convicted felons that maybe our side was smart enough to know what kind of a shitshow awaited everybody who turned up.


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