Royal Snub: Prince Charles and Prince William Refused to Meet Trump


It appears that Donald Trump is not only wildly unpopular with the average person in the United Kingdom, but is disliked by royalty as well.  According to the UK Sunday Times, Prince Charles and Prince William left the Queen to greet Trump by herself since they were not willing to meet him and Melania during their stop-over in London over the weekend.

According to a “well place source, “They simply refused to attend. It’s a very, very unusual thing for the Queen to be there on her own. Usually she is accompanied by somebody. Prince Charles has been substituting for Philip a lot recently.”  The source also said that the avoidance “was a snub”.

Describing Charles, the source also said: “He goes to what he wants to go to, and if he had wanted to be there he could have been.”

Apparently instead of meeting with Donald and his wife Melania, Prince Charles had a company meeting and attended a police event, while Prince William played in a charity polo match.

A Buckingham Palace spokesperson told The Sun Online: “In line with standard practice for guest of government visits the President and First Lady were received by The Queen as Head of State. The arrangements were mutually agreed between the Palace and the UK and US governments. There was never a suggestion that other members of the royal family would take part.”

I guess that is especially true when they actually refuse to take part…

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  1. The only question in my mind is: “Why the f*ck did her majesty meet and greet this scumbucket and his well-paid companion?”


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