Former Daily Show host Jon Stewart liked to say “Haven’t these assholes ever heard of videotape?” when pointing out conservative’s missteps and downright stupidity. Some are in fact just stupid and forget that once upon a time they said something when the cameras were running. Some either hope no one held on to the footage, or that they can b.s. their way out of trouble if/when it comes up. (Too often they can) Then we have some asshats like Roger Stone who has gotten away with so much for so long he believes he’s immune from consequences. AND have a big enough ego they want to be documented for posterity. Roger Stone is such a person and moved from dirty trickster stunts to advocating and orchestrating large scale political violence. Including bluntly calling for assassinations of specific Congressional Democrats.

Newsweek is reporting on a clip provided by Mediate of Roger Stone in a diner talking to a New York City policeman prior to the 2020 election. Stone as we know was up to his eyeballs in the planning of various means to keep Trump in office no matter what. Again, so certain was Stone of his invincibility that he had a documentary maker tagging along with him as he went about his business.

We’ve seen bits and pieces of Stone’s activities during the runup to the 2020 election and the aftermath thanks to the Jan. 6 committee calling the documentary maker Danish filmmaker Christoffer Guldbrandsen was producing. But this new bit of a conversation in a Florida diner before the election really drives home just how much Stone was all-in for Trump:

“It’s time to do it,” Stone told Sal Greco, who no longer works as a police officer. “Let’s go find Swalwell. It’s time to do it. Then we’ll see how brave the rest of them are. It’s time to do it. It’s either Swalwell or Nadler has to die before the election. They need to get the message. Let’s go find Swalwell and get this over with. I’m just not putting up with this s*** anymore.”

Stone, as you no doubt have guessed has claimed he was “only joking”, suggested the clip is a “deep fake”, or AI generated. Pick an excuse but two things are apparent when you listen to Stone. First, he’s serious. Not joking. Not one bit. Second, his claims was joking or that it’s all made up or that we was just joking around are downright lies. I don’t know how to embed a tweet so you’ll have to go to the link to but like I said Stone is serious as a  heart attack. One has to wonder how hard he tried to actually get done what he said should be done. For that matter you have to wonder who else Stone wanted dead and as soon as possible.

Roger Stone was one of the figures who loved getting a crowd worked up into shouting “Lock her up!” chants about Hillary Clinton. STONE is the one who should be locked up!. If not  for Trump’s intervention with a pardon Stone would have been put in prison. Calls are coming in fast and furious for his getting tried and convicted again. He should be, and if we can get President Biden re-elected Stone will actually spend some time on the wrong side of prison bars. Maybe another prisoner can give him a Trump tattoo to match the Nixon one on his back. If it’s’ give against Stone’s will, and especially if say instead of on Stone’s forehead his back I won’t feel any sympathy for him.

As far as I’m concerned, I hope the Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson is right when he says “Roger Stone will die in prison.”

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  1. Interesting Roger. I feel the same way about YOU and all your nazi friends. 1941-1945…ah the good old days when the USA put a gun in your hand and told you to go shoot as many of you bastards as possible. Remember rog? Sure you do.

  2. Pity we cannot do the same to this putz. I’m sure the state would call it “murder” rather than just a necessary culling of the herd. Be careful there stone. One of us might just mistake you for the animal you are. Just sayin’…

  3. I don’t want any of these nbusturds murdered. I want them in jail. I will.even settle for a Club Fed as long as the sentence is for a good long stretch. I want them to.become national.jokes.

    I also want every single moron threatening liberal politicians to meet the same fate. Make threatening g remarjst? Jail time. March into a state caoitol? Jail time. Carry weapons outside a polling place to intimidate minority voters? Jail time. Make threatening phone calls for send threatening emails to a judge or prosecutor? Jail time. Time for staffers at work to.keep a calk.log of threats and for the judge or prosecutor to jot down numbers and record any calls from an unfamiliar cell phone number.

    Does anyone know if records,are kept of burner phone purchases? If not, we need so. The smarter ones might start using them. Threats to judges have become increasingly common, and so have actual murders of judges.


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