Rob Reiner should be commended for his activism. He, unlike other people who have been mentioned all to often lately in the media, is using his celebrity influence to endorse social justice issues and calling out what needs to be said about Trump.
Here’s his latest tweet.
Babies taken from their mothers. Arpaio DeSouza get pardons. Slush funds to pay off porn stars. Tearing down free press and justice system. Lies flying out of his mouth like projectile vomit. He tries to bury Democracy in his criminal cesspool. Not gonna happen. VOTE!!
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) May 31, 2018
And then he retweeted this.
The best way to fight propaganda and disinformation is to call it out early and often.
The first step is being able to identify when you’re being had.
— Investigate Russia (@InvestigateRU) June 1, 2018
Of course, for all of the pessimists out there, he (or anyone else) will not change the minds of the Trump supporters. No amount of exposure to the truth will change that. But, as the tweet from Investigate Russia says, “the best way to fight propaganda and disinformation is to call it out early and often.”
For those of us who haven’t completely given up and decided to hide in our basements, rocking back and forth with our eyes tightly shut, and who think there’s even a chance that people like Rob Reiner and others can illuminate the bullshit and possibly influence people who are not already completely brainwashed, I hope he, and everyone else who is tirelessly pointing out that Trump is a truly terrible person, will never EVER stop.
To lighten the mood, and without any further overuse of italics and bold lettering, here’s a classic tweet from Reiner from April.
The shit show keeps getting shit showier. Trump is pulling a Monty Python and is RUNNING AWAY!! But when you’re facing a criminal freight train, escaping to Mar-A-Lago, wolfing down cheeseburgers, and knocking back Diet Cokes is a pretty weak elixir.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) April 17, 2018
Thanks Rob. You restore my faith that good people, even good people who are also celebrities, do exist.
Don’t stop!!