Just what we needed, another side show in the Trump Circus. Except that this one is very amusing, unlike the depressing and alarming court cases starring Donald Trump’s coterie of shysters who twist the law and the facts to serve their Mango Master. Is there a certain circle in Hell where lying shyster lawyers go? And maybe Trump’s lying doctors will be there as well? If you missed the fun last night, Trump lashed back at the Lincoln Project for posting a mini-opus called “Feeble.”

Wilson is right. It’s the nature of the grotesque that you cannot look away. Reality is one lady that Trump doesn’t want to dance with, but unfortunately, she has a way of calling the shots for all of us, whether we like it or not. And here’s Rick Wilson’s personal love note to Trump.

Well, now Trump will simply have to commission a Rick Wilson voodoo doll to go with that Robert DeNiro doll he keeps sticking pins in. I’m sure Rick never thought he’d be co-starring with Bob DeNiro in a reality TV show about saving democracy from a mango-tinged maniac with messianic misconceptions and a Mongolian mob of MAGAs, but it looks like the Great Screenwriter In The Sky has drafted it that way. Gotta go with the direction of the improv, right?

This is one show I’m going to enjoy. Trump can’t stand the fact that people call him out. His childish response to that is always, “Oh yeah? Well, you’re a *%#$ and a (^@,” and the name calling begins. But it bounces off DeNiro as the schoolyard taunt that it is and the Lincoln Project thrives on the push back. They use it to dig Trump’s hole even deeper. Trump is amplifying the messages of both and apparently he’s too dumb to know.

“Feeble” hit quite the nerve. I can’t wait for the next LP opus. And the next and the next. Because one thing is certain, there is no lack of material showing Trump to be the stumbling, bumbling, inarticulate, clumsy, vulgar, embarrassing fool that he is.

Buckle up, folks. It’s going to be a bumpy Trumpty Dumpty election year, starting off with the Iowa Caucus mid-January. Who knows what will happen between then and the coronation of King Donald at the GOP convention in July? There’s only one thing to be sure of and that’s that there’s nothing to be sure of.




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  1. Hey dumpy…Hitler made Germany great on April 30th 1945 by putting a bullet in his head. Go ahead and follow your leader and make America great. ASAP would be preferable.

  2. His “enemies list” is getting so long that his 17% of the population is going to be spread out too thin to do any damage.

    Yeah, so add me to the list, too, donnyboy!

  3. Since LP sometimes takes a peek at our “Little Engine That Could” his comment about maybe using AI in a Trump send-up made me think of a picture I’d forgotten. (Get your Brain Bleach ready!) A few creative folks have fashioned versions of Trump out of Spam, but the one that really is the essence of Trump (at least to me) would make a marvelous Trump to use in an AI created video mocking him. Yes, as I said it’s gross but then so is Trump and it’s unfortunately all too easy to imagine him waking up. And looking like this:

    If you see this, how bout it LP?

  4. There’s another word beginning with the letter ‘F’ besides ‘feeble’.


    Fat, fatuous, faint, faded, feckless, feeble, festering, flimsy, floundering fool iDJT has only a flaccid response to anyone critiquing him.

    • “Weak” is the word that he hates the most. Calling him weak, feeble, and dumb might make him blow a gasket. Here’s hoping.


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