Remember when Trump used to talk about “bad hombres?” This was long before Jack Smith came on the scene. Smith is the bad hombre that is going to bring Donald Trump to a long overdue justice. He’s uncovering new evidence right and left and when all is said and done, Trump is going to wind up in a box and tied with a bow. It can’t happen to a more deserving insurrectionist and traitor. The New Republic:

Prosecutors with special counsel Jack Smith revealed Tuesday that they have proof an “agent” for Donald Trump tried to cause a riot in Michigan to stop the vote count in the 2020 presidential election.

Smith indicted Trump in August for his role in the January 6 insurrection and other attempts to overturn the presidential election. Smith’s team said in a Tuesday court filing that an unindicted co-conspirator, identified only as “Campaign Employee” sent text messages on November 4, 2020, to an attorney working with Trump’s campaign at the TCF Center in Detroit, where ballots were being counted.

“In the messages, the Campaign Employee encouraged rioting and other methods of obstruction when he learned that the vote count was trending in favor of the defendant’s opponent,” prosecutors said.

Pause here for just a moment. We’re only finding out about this now. What reason is there to believe that Michigan is unique? That there weren’t other Trump agent provocateurs in other states, particularly swing states? And how do we know that Trump doesn’t have a similar set up going for 2024? I’m not looking to foment conspiracy theory here, I’m pointing out the obvious. Trump never had any intention of relinquishing power — which is what Michael Cohen told Congress back in 2018.

According to the filing, around the same time the employee sent those messages, “an election official at the TCF Center observed that as Biden began to take the lead, a large number of untrained individuals flooded the TCF Center and began making illegitimate and aggressive challenges to the vote count.” Meanwhile, Trump himself began pushing false claims about the TCF Center.

Shades of Georgia, where Rudy Giuliani began accusing a woman passing a candy mint to her daughter of sabotaging the vote. And you remember how Arizona melted down quickly.

The filing did not indicate whether the campaign employee is one of six unindicted co-conspirators already mentioned in the August indictment. Trump faces one count each of conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to corruptly obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against the right to vote.

I hope Jack Smith throws the book at Trump. Somebody needs to. We can’t have somebody this corrupt on the ballot. If the GOP has given up its standards to this level, then maybe the judiciary needs to set them straight. You can’t have a criminal, or someone involved in criminal proceedings, running for the nation’s highest office. The fact that we’re even discussing this is beyond the pale.

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  1. History will remember the Age of Dump not so kindly. Not as harshly as with Hitler. Of course there has been no 50 mln plus genocidal war in this era. But the damage that Dumpism has caused will linger for decades. And history will judge America harshly. There still is time to avoid a Germany 1945 collapse. Trump can not return to the White House.

  2. Throw the book at Trump? Throw every volume of the United States Code at him! And for good measure dump the entire legal section of the Library of Congress on Trump’s fat ass.


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