Remember a while back I said that that Donald Trump’s lost three hours, from the time he left the rally to when he told the mob to go home, was going to prove to be Kevin McCarthy’s undoing? Not to mention Trump’s? Keep that idea in the back of your head, because the next hearing of the January 6 Committee is going to focus on that very thing.

McCarthy said that he was the first one who spoke with Trump. Trump told him that “he didn’t see it,” meaning the riot. McCarthy said that on Fox News and tape is available, so pictures/testimony of Trump gleefully watching it all go down on TV for three hours ought to provide interesting contrast to McCarthy’s version of the facts.

McCarthy said Trump would “put something out there” even though he hadn’t seen the rioting (which staggers the imagination since it was right up the street and being broadcast on all channels.) And then he did nothing for three hours. Nixon had an 18-minute gap, Trump’s got a three hour gap. And Kevin McCarthy is Rose Mary Woods.

I can’t wait for this evidence to come out and be compared to what Kevin McCarthy had to say about it all back in the day.

Rose Mary Woods did the famous “Rose Mary Stretch” where she pantomimed what must have happened for over five minutes of tapes to be erased. What is Kevin McCarthy going to do, twist himself into a pretzel?

McCarthy lied for his boss like Woods lied for hers. In Woods’ case, she had been with Nixon for 25 years, she wasn’t an elected official, let alone a minority leader, and she never swore an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States. McCarthy is in a different situation.

Unless McCarthy can find himself a time machine and go back and fix those three hours, I think he’s in a world of hurt and so is Trump.

Listen again to Glenn Kirschner’s take on it.

All we know is that Trump did nothing for three hours. It looks like the January 6 Committee, at minimum, is going to prove that he was having too good a time watching TV to stop his mob from breaching the Capitol and attacking the police, resulting in the death of one and disabling injury to another, not to mention the four other related deaths and scores of people, police and civilians, who were injured.

So why did he do that? What kind of sick jollies was he getting? What did Ivanka do? I guarantee you there was nothing in that nothing burger documentary, Unprecedented, to address any of this and that’s the only reason I watched it.

The sad and sick takeaway from all this is that the TV game show host simply saw this as another episode of The Apprentice: White House Edition. And the sadder and sicker takeaway is that the GOP is okay with all of it. All they want for Christmas is a gigantic steam shovel to keep sweeping it all under the rug.

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  1. My issue is this: these hearings were not necessary to everyone capable of watching what happened on 6 January and realizing exactly what was going on and to those still drinking the kool aid persuasion that something bad happened just isn’t possible–that kool aid is a very powerful mind-deadening drug. Are there so many people who were on the fence on this? Seriously man, this one is kind of one of those “it’s either this or that” moments-there isn’t an in between.

    Don’t get me wrong, they’re a necessary record for HISTORY. Future generations need to be able to see what went on, etc. It’s just that as a tool to get people to switch sides as it were, I doubt it’s effective.

    • The propaganda has been spewed. Called sister on her b’day (won’t anymore) and she spouted – no republicans on the committee. No counter argument presented blah blah blah. She, like many others, will not believe, nor trust whatever comes from the committee. The only good thing – confirmation for us.

      • It will not change the minds of hardcore Trumpies, but that isn’t what we need .All we want is the more intelligent soccer moms,and dads who will be appalled,,and the right-leaning Indies in red states to keep the House,and Senate under our control. Those folks,,along with history, are the intended audience. It makes him.look like the entitled self I absorbed toddler he is, letting the police be attacked sand floating as they destroy the Capitol, hunt for Pelosi and,other Dems,,and chant “Hang Mike Pense” while providing the noose to do so.

  2. Liars lie. Trump & mccarthy are liars. Anything & everything with them are self serving lies. Fact. Not an ‘alternative fact’, which means a lie for the stupid racists, but a provable fact.

  3. Ursula, glad you picked up on Glenn Kirshner. You guys all need to work together. Trump and his morons and the GOP clowns aren’t messing around. They know it’s do or die because if they lose momentum they will fail. Just have to get the Democrats to take notice. Joe Biden showed it the other day over that young girl. That doctor filed a cease and desist against the attorney general that was running his mouth. It’s awesome if you haven’t caught it. Look it up!


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