Verrry interesting, as they used to say on Laugh-In. Very very interesting. This does not happen every day, friends. You simply do not see the Washington Times turn on the Great Orange One.

And the betrayal did not stay up there long. Believe me when I tell you that the expert surfers of right-wing media screen shoot all the time because if they didn’t, these treasures would vanish.

What doth it portend when the Moonies are dumping Trump? And speaking of the moon, tomorrow is the full moon at sunset, and not just any full moon, but the Strawberry Super Moon. Interesting timing, eh what, to abandon the Tangerine Traitor on the eve of the Strawberry Super Moon? Think about it.

I just went over to the Washington Times and there is a story which quotes Zoe Lofgren about the “big rip off” but there is no headline like the one you see above. Maybe “cooler” heads prevailed and did a rewrite before they looked like they had abandoned Trump.

The Washington Times was founded in 1982 by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate associated with the Unification movement which also owns newspapers in South Korea, Japan, and South America, as well as the news agency United Press International (UPI).[22] Bo Hi Pak, the chief aide of Unification movement founder and leader Sun Myung Moon, was the founding president and the founding chairman of the board.

The Unification Church also owns a gun factory and their spin off church, Rod Of Iron Ministries, worships carrying AR-15s.  Don’t take my word for anything. Hit the link and read the article. As I’ve said many times, if I could make this stuff up, I would have taken over Hollywood long ago.

Sean Moon, head of Rod Of Iron, also entertains the likes of Steve Bannon and Dana Loesch at his spread in Texas where he and his followers train for an impending civil war with the Deep State.

It’s interesting what slips through the cracks these days.


And don’t forget friends, not only is it the Strawberry Super Moon tomorrow, it is Donald Trump’s 76th birthday.

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  1. Yeah, I haven’t kept up on my reading lately. But this story really blew up the fan when it hit. Donald frump took on the gang and pocketed the cash. And one thing that gets me is that Ace the grifter is still getting the schills to pay his attorneys. It’s a wonder that he doesn’t get RNC to pay him so that he can run the money through an off shore account, and leave it there. Ha ha attorneys, if you can figure out the account number you can see how I’m handling your payments.


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