Nothing like a Spy v. Spy scenario inside the White House when the worst global pandemic in a hundred years happened. Olivia Troye, who was an assistant to Mike Pence in his capacity as head of the COVID-19 response, shared for the first time today that her duties involved spying on Dr. Deborah Birx.

Troye was told Birx “can’t be trusted because she’s a Matt Pottinger hire.” She also elaborates on the news story that broke over the weekend after the phony charts and graphs that were circulating in the West Wing.

Troye is a compatriot of Miles Taylor, who came out of the closet as Anonymous, finally. The pieces of the puzzle keep coming together of a group of intelligent and ambitious civil servants and aides, which is typical for the White House, working in the thrall of a reality TV madman and having to kow tow to him and pretend to take him seriously. Deborah Birx certainly went out of her way to appear to be a Trump cheerleader. Her comments to the Christian Broadcasting Network about Trump’s keen analytical business mind are now the stuff of legend.

Another day in Faustian Trump world, another soul sold.


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  1. Troye at least so far has been consistent. Birx just seems too late to the CYA. Quit or be more forceful. Not fair but sometimes, the times or situation are not fair or pleasant. Hope she took some pics or wrote something down. Her story is just that. I would like to believe her but right now, nope.

  2. WAY too late, Senovio. Dr. Asperger, for whom my possible condition is named, tried that same trick, claiming he saved his patients from being exterminated by the Nazis for being “mental defectives” to gloss over the ones he DID feed to the camps.


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