UPDATED: Republican Jewish Coalition Targets Marjorie Greene

Republican Jewish Coalition targets Greene
Attribution MDale

The Republican Jewish Coalition are not happy campers. The 501(c)(4) political lobbying group describes itself as “striving to build a “strong, effective and respected” voice of Jewish Republicans that can influence activities, policies and ideas in Washington and across the country” and they’re determined to use that voice against the Greene Fiend in Congress.

This is an extension of the role they’ve recently taken upon themselves to influence the outcome of republican campaigns. Their first victory in this arena was the defeat of racist ignoramus Steve King of Iowa. Not that his replacement, Randy Feenstra, is much better but at least he didn’t enmesh himself in the MAGA insurrection. King would have – he’d have been right in the middle of it.

So from that perspective, the RNJ took on a duty the RNC has always failed to do – and that failure goes a long way to explaining how the party was able to become radicalised. Not only has the RNC dropped the ball but the RJC has also had some major misses. Lauren Boebert went completely under their radar. But they concede that Marjorie Greene – the Greene Fiend – was one of them, as stated in their press release.

Republican Jewish Coalition press release

Washington, DC (January 29,2021) – The Republican Jewish Coalition has slways spoken out strongly against antisemitic comments from individuals on both sides of the political aisle, and we do not hesitate to do so again in the case of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

The RJC does not usually get involved in primary races between Republicans, but in 2020 we did so twice. First, we took the unprecedented step of supporting the challenger to a Republican incumbent when we supported Randy Feenstra over Rep. Steve King of Iowa. We were pleased that Feenstra won that race and removed King from the US Congress.

The second time, we supported Greene’s primary opponent, John Cowan, in Georgia. We did so because we found Greene’s past behavior deeply offensive. She repeatedly used offensive language in long online video diatribes, promoted bizarre political conspiracy theories, and refused to admit a mistake after posing for photos with a long-time white supremacist leader. It is unfortunate she prevailed in her election despite this terrible record.

The RJC has never supported or endorsed Marjorie Taylor Greene. We are offended and appalled by her comments and her actions. We opposed her as a candidate and we continue to oppose her now. She is far outside the mainstream of the Republican Party, and the RJC is working closely with the House Republican leadership regarding next steps in this matter.

What exactly is entailed by “the RJC is working closely with the House Republican leadership regarding next steps in this matter” has yet to be revealed. It’s certainly going to be uncomfortable for Kevin McCarthy with RJC on one side (supposedly his side) while flanking him on the other is Democrat Rep Jimmy Gomez introducing a resolution to expel Greene, an expediency that RJC is very likely to approve.

Also problematic will be the presence of Liz Cheney as #3 on the House Republican leadership team. McCarthy will be well and truly caught in the middle of a fierce internecine battle with more than half his caucus demanding Cheney be demoted while the RJC want to work with her. The pro-Trump #2, Steve Scalise, will have his nose put out of joint as well.

It isn’t hyperbole to describe the House republicans as being embroiled in turbulence of their own making. But the real schadenfreude value is that it comes at a time when their minority leader is so clueless and ineffectual that he adds immeasurably to the problem.

The RJC are going to have their work cut out for them. But if they’re able to contribute to the termination of Marjorie Greene’s political career, their efforts will be applauded on both sides of the political aisle.


It looks like the RJC – or more precisely, the funding that comes to House republicans via members of the RJC – may have had some effect on McCarthy…

But clearly it is not set in stone as the words “is considering” attest. McCarthy is spineless; he could all too easily be talked out of whatever he may have said to the RJC delegation. Next week is a new month. Let’s see what it brings.

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  1. In true and proven Republican fashion whoever offers the Republicans in Congress the most money will buy, uh, garner their support.

    • Indeed, Blue, money was always going to decide it in the end. There’s less profit in this throwback nonsense than there ever was and yet fools like Greene insist on clinging to it. Five bucks says that Trump is also on their target list via the impeachment process.

  2. And yet …. the number of breathless articles in the “mainstream” (rightwing) media bout “Republicans in disarray” has been a fraction of the “Democrats in disarray” pieces they crank out when someone like “AOC” happens to get sassy with one of the Democratic leaders. Yet how often has any of these fringe, self-promoting Democrats really upset the apple cart? Seldom.

    • For all her self-promotion, AOC is a motivated team player…stumbles a lot but never causes the kind of headaches Gangrene and Bombart are currently doing for the GOP as you pointed out. The MSM is still having a hard time believing it’s a new day. The lesson will just have to be repeated.

  3. She, Greene does not belong in our government. Her illusions are insane. The video of her following the young man from Parkland School going to testify on the shooting, disgusted me. How dare she talk to him in such a threatening manner, such a bully? She had a gun concealed in her purse can you imagine how this young man felt it must have been fearful for him.
    I am so disheartened by the threats to our government officials to think that this goes on in my country.
    BLM protests were traumatic, watching innocent people being hurt, arrested and killed in peaceful protests. Because of Trump arousing hatred, riots, and dismantling our government we have all these added problems and crazy people around us.
    It’s all so terrible and has been for a long time.


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