This is one of Randy Rainbow’s best and that’s saying a mouthful. The musical virtuosity matches the sheer idiocy of the subject matter. Enjoy.

I wonder if Mitch McConnell ever watches any of these? My point is, does he have any idea what a ridiculous cult his venerated institution, the GOP, has degenerated into? Romney and Sasse and a couple of others seem to have an inkling, I wonder if McConnell does?


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  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this. Laughing all the way. His use of word combinations is excellent. I wonder if the Republicans have the moral courage to clean house. Probably not as the specter of Trump looms over it.

      • Laugh but somehow keep an eye out for these folks. Ay caramba. GOP: Profiles in courage… not! just fooling y’all. LOL. but laughs on you and you and most def you over there.

        Wonder what Barry Goldwater would say about now…

  2. Given how my morning went, or I guess more accurately did NOT go I really needed something awesomely funny and this filled the bill. And then some. I’d have an impossible task trying to determine Randy’s best video but this one is without a doubt on the short, short short list!


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