This is beyond appalling. Rand Paul is a bona fide conspiracy theorist, pushing this insane nonsense. And Jim Jordan is another one.

This is completely counter productive, not to mention wrong and downright evil. I don’t know what good Paul thinks will come of this. Reelection on the right-wing nut job ticket? Which the GOP might as well change its party name to, and be done with it?

If lying and spreading falsehoods was equivalent to holy endeavor, Rand Paul would be a saint.

It is nothing short of tragic that a renowned epidemiologist and public servant of Dr. Fauci’s caliber gets dragged into being a caricature in the culture war. My God. This is who the Republicans are in 2021.


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  1. Expect anything different? He went to Russia too – remember? Plus – do they think all of America is stupid and believes their bull shit? Uh no. They are so deep in the bubble. Can Fauci sue?

    • Fauci wouldn’t sue. I feel very confident in saying that. He’s too much of a gentleman. And if he did sue, since he’s a public figure, he would have to prove actual malice and outright disregard for the truth — which he could probably prove. That would be one hell of a lawsuit, Fauci v. Paul. I would love to see it. I don’t think we will.

  2. U know I think I could sit down with his neighbor & have a beer while he recounts kicking the shit out of this fascist. Belly laughs all around.

  3. Why is Kentucky holding the U.S. and the world hostage? They keep Paul and McConnell in the Senate. What have Paul and McConnell done for Kentucky? They ensure Kentucky remains last in all the good categories and remain first in all the bad categories. The can only do the same for the U.S. and the world.

  4. Just when you think the G.Q.P couldn’t utter anything stupider, Rand cracks his knuckles and says “hold my beer”. Before this I would have put RoJo the Clown at the pinnacle of ‘pube stupidity-Sorry RoJo, Rand knocked you out of first place.

  5. What an obscene ass Rand Paul is. He’s not doing this for any reason other than garnering attention for himself and hoping it translates into donations to his cause. It’s the same with all these GQP’er asshats. It’s all about attention, power and money. Screw the country, screw the democracy, screw the citizens, it’s all about me me me and mine. Greedy grabbing losers who don’t care if they sacrifice the nation in pursuit of their obscene goals.

  6. Ron paul was the king of crazy conspiracy back in the day. why do we think rand would be any less crazy, especially after his neighbor kicked his ass for being a dipshit neighbor.


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