The Michigan Republican Party seems to be having an identity crisis because it’s now split into two factions, and Rachel Maddow couldn’t help but notice. “You tell me,” the MSNBC host said Monday night. “Is there a Republican Party in Swing State Michigan? Is there one? Are there two? How do you tell the difference?”

Raw Story reports that Maddow’s questions were in lockstep with Bridge Michigan reporter Jonathan Oosting’s Twitter/X post: It’s the tale of two Michigan Republican Parties…. faction: [Kristina] Karamo still chair despite ‘illegitimate meeting.’ Real state committee meeting Jan. 13. action: Malinda Pego now chair. Karamo ousted. Jan. 13 meeting canceled.”

“if you put a dash between the ‘mi and the ‘gop’ at — you find yourself at a totally different michigan republican party website; one where the chair is not kristina karamo, but rather this other person, a totally different person,” Oosting wrote.

Whatever the reason the cray-cray dot.orgs are dueling it out for, the one thing we do know is that a whopping 89 percent of Michigan Republicans have voted to remove state GOP Chairwoman Karamo, who like her idol, Donald Trump is an election denier and conspiracy believer (she has been recorded saying that Democrats drink the blood of children and sell baby body parts) as her state struggles with financial troubles and infighting. The situation is so bad, in fact, that as of December, the party was “on the brink of bankruptcy.”

Karamo, however, didn’t attend that meeting.

This is where Maddow comes in. She’s just as puzzled as Oosting is by the dueling GOPs. And she’s smiling all the way through it.

“Each of these totally different websites with totally different chairs says literally, ‘paid for by the michigan republican party, but they appear to be two different unrelated things with two different people in charge.”

“The ‘’ features a ticker on the top that reads: ‘A small fringe faction of state committee members staged an illegitimite gathering to claim removal of chairwoman kristina karamo.'”

She notes that if you click on the banner at the top it jumps to a press release calling the meeting a “rogue cabal” that “called today’s bogus gather a preemptive ploy to illegally remove the chair, and many other State Committee members.”

The press release also adds: “This entire process is illegitimate according to the rules of the Michigan Republican Party bylaws and is illegal based on Michigan election laws. Accompanying this is a video of general counsel Dan Hartman, who faces the camera and says “Hi, my name is Dan Hartman. I am still the general counsel for the Michigan Republican Party.”

But then if you click on the rival site, MI-GOP. org, you wind up on a static page with a picture of Interim Chair Malinda Pego and Stars and Stripes in the background.

No wonder Maddow is having a good laugh over this. But I think the part I liked best is when she talked about Michigan’s Democratic Party, which pretty much rules the roost there. And that’s fitting because they are acting like the cat that ate the canary. They know when to keep quiet.

This is pretty durned funny.


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  1. The Democratic Party in MI will I hope not comment or do a damned thing except go about their normal business of selecting their candidates for the November election, and organizing to register and turn out voters. The old adage about when your opponent is screwing up just sit back and let them comes to mind.

    • Yup. It is not their job to intervene. This is completely GOP business. It is basically the equivalent of a rancorous divorce with yelling, screaming, and punches thrown by both versus the poor guy who lives three houses down and has nothing with either party.

  2. Michigan wins the NCAA football championship and the WHATTHEFUCK award! Why not just let Ted, cat scratch fever, Nugent have the power? How did these crazies get this far down the rabbit hole?


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