Jacob Chansley, the QAnon Shaman, is a colorful cultural figure, very much the MAGA Paul Bunyan of his time. Likewise his lawyer, Albert Watkins, is known for his equally colorful comments, such as how his client is one of the “short-bus” people. Here he is at a presser responding to a question about his “insurrectionist” client.

And here is another clip where Watkins responds to a question about Donald Trump’s accountability.

WARNING: Profanity, not safe for work or delicate sensibilities

He is spot on. Trump deluded the people who went storming down the street to the Capitol to do his bidding. Trump lives a lie and he recruited them into a lie and they’re paying he’s not — just like always. Somebody else picks up the tab, whether it’s a financial, legal, or moral one. Trump walks scot free. Ashlii Babbitt and others paid with their lives.

Stroll down memory lane.

Candid fellow or totally burned out defense lawyer who’s seen it all, take your pick. I’m opting for the latter.

That said, I like the man’s sense of humor. I hope he’ll go on Colbert or Kimmel and regale us some more. And what I really wish is that somehow he could end up defending Trump. Now that would be a howler, his candid assessment of that personality and those criminal proceedings.


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  1. Mango man is taking care of the jackasses. He is doing it the same way he takes care of all of his other eff-ups, by leaving it for someone else to fix.


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