This may be in anticipation of March 20, which is the latest deadline when Donald Trump resumes power, as you may recall, after March 4 fell flat.

I’m intrigued that the Tesla “Free Energy Blackout” will be done first. To the best of my knowledge, Nikola Tesla was never able to develop his world wide grid of free energy, because J.P. Morgan shut all that down, back in the 30’s. But maybe QAnon thinks they’re going to operate on Tesla free energy, after their infamous Storm takes place.

Or, this may be a set of instructions for the Rapture. Who knows? All that can be guaranteed with these loons is that they perpetuate this madness amongst themselves and they’ll apparently continue to do so until the conspiracy theory collapses of its own weight.



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      • I first heard The Fish Head Song by Barnes and Barnes many years ago on the Dr Demento radio show. The lyrics above just fit so perfectly…I am surprised someone hasn’t done a parody with similar lyrics. Or maybe Barnes and Barnes wouldn’t allow it? I know that Weird Al has to get permission to do the parodies that he does.
        BTW, I think there really is a brand of nuts sold under that name…

    • I think you’re onto something here. Someone call Planters. And PT Barnum. Seems like a great marketing opportunity. Get yer Q-Nuts here! Step right up! Q-Nuts for sale! 🙂

  1. The ‘7 kingdoms’ has me confused.
    If it’s monarchies, there are 44 world-wide.
    If it’s biological classifications, there are 9 of those. (1: Plantae. 2: Animalia. 3: Protista. 4: Fungi. 5: Bacteria (Monera). 6: Archaebacteria. 7: Chromista. 8: Archezoa. 9: Protozoa)
    If it’s Heavenly – there’s only supposed to be one (‘seventh heaven’ is purely poetical)

    But then it’s Q smoking some really whacky baccy

    • Hmm. One pedant to another ?:
      Wikipedia says Chromista includes all protists. I just looked up former cos I’d not heard of it, not gone into it further. So maybe former is a superkingdom or something? Meaning it could come down to 7 at some level after all!

      • You misread Wiki. It says that Chromista includes all protists “whose plastids contain chlorophyll c, such as some algae, diatoms, oomycetes, and protozoans.”

        But there does seem to be some serious overlap and controversy among biologists about the exact nature that distinguishes chromists from protists (and vice versa).

    • Like the trumpets, it is a biblical allusion. The seven kingdoms: However, it is also just sloganeering. If the target audience actually knew what their bible said, they would know that the seven represent the succession of Roman emperors, of whom there was generally one at a time. They are making metaphorical use of the phrase “seven kingdoms” without actually understanding their own metaphor.

  2. I am making a decent compensation from home $1400-$2700/week,which is astonishing, under a year back I was jobless in a terrible economy. I express gratitude toward God consistently. I was honored with these directions and now it’s my obligation to show preemptive kindness and offer it with Everyone, Here…..???.????.works75.???

  3. You know, based on past inept performances, I can barely make myself care here. QAnon is to what’s left of Reaganism what the Weather Underground was to the hippie movement: a dangerous but ineffectual outlier movement that all but dooms the political affiliation it’s part of.

  4. We can joke all we want. We get it. I was in a christian cult for 15 years. The Q believers really think they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing. I.e.; January 6th. Along with the brain washed evangelicals, etc. Fear controls them. Fear controlled me those 15 years. Can’t leave “the church” or I’d be leaving God’s work on earth and I heard the horror stories of those that died once they left. Welding on a tank – tank blew up. Mowing the lawn. Mowed across a live wire, cut it and was electrocuted. God’s revenge ya know.

    Look at this a little more seriously, even though it’s bull shit, because they do.

  5. Emergency broadcast system is radio, also. A lot of people have radios with solar and a hand-crank generator.

    But March 20 is nonsense as a date.


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