The episodes in the soap opera in which we dwell, Trump Goes Barking Mad or The Apprentice: Orange Julius Caesar, are happening more than once a day. It’s not easy having a complete psychotic breakdown, and so I expect the episodes to become closer together and more intense, kind of like labor pains. Except there won’t be a wonderful new life at the end of this ordeal, only the sound of cases of ketchup bottles hurled against the wall and grunting, as the Secret Service men help the orderlies to restrain the maniac, while a doctor injects a sedative.

Trump is the Commander-in-Chief of MAGA and so what’s happening at the border is a scene out of a combination of The Mouse That Roared and The Russians Are Coming — the Russians are in fact pissing, if you want to know what they’re doing, they’re laughing so hard. Occasionally Vladimir puts through a call to his buddy in Beijing, who can’t come to the phone because he belly laughed so hard he fell over and hit his head and his aides are reviving him. The Messenger:

Donald Trump threw his support behind Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, R, amidst the governor’s ongoing dispute with the White House, and he encouraged other states to use their National Guards to help Texas fight off an “invasion.”

In Truth Social posts, the former president accused President Joe Biden of “fighting to tie the hands” of Abbott on Thursday.

This follows the Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Biden administration’s emergency request to remove razor wire border barriers in Eagle Pass, Texas, installed at the request of the governor. Border Patrol said the razor wire fencing kept them from reaching migrants and increased the danger level.

Abbott and other Republicans have blasted the ruling.

“Texas has rightly invoked the Invasion Clause of the Constitution, and must be given full support to repel the Invasion,” Trump wrote on Thursday. “We encourage all willing States to deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of Illegals, and to remove them back across the Border. All Americans should support the commonsense measures by Texas authorities to protect the Safety, Security, and Sovereignty of Texas, and of the American people.”

Article IV, Section IV of the Constitution: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Here are some key points:

  • The American history of the term “invasion” reveals that its literal meaning is entry plus enmity: Entry alone, which is trespass, is not sufficient to constitute an invasion.
  • Although the Framers occasionally used “invade” in a metaphorical sense, we know that in the Compact Clause they used the word in its literal sense, because that clause’s ancestor text in the Articles of Confederation refers to invasion “by enemies.”
  • Past non-state actors, like pirates and barbarians, fell under the category of “invaders” in the opinion of certain American statesmen, such as Madison.
  • Present-day non-state actors, like cartel-affiliated gangs operating within the territory of a U.S. state, may fall under the category of invaders, provided their criminal activity reaches a scale or degree of organization that deliberately overthrows or curtails the lawful sovereignty of the state.

What’s that you say? Trump is far too stupid to know anything about an Invasion Clause, this is the work of Stephen Miller. I daresay you’re right.

Methinks that two things are going on here: 1. Greg Abbott feels empowered to go bonkers right now because it’s great political theater and he believes that helps him. Abbot is MAGA all the way. 2. As God is my witness, Texas does this every so often. They threaten to secede. I remember the first time I found out about this was sometime in the 90’s. And the third thing goes without saying: This is great for fundraising. Kick in a sawbuck so that Trump can stop an invasion of aliens, how can you not do that?

Other than Trump, this secession madness is nothing new, I assure you. I was sitting in the living room of my dear friends Duane and Lucile, in their home in Malibu. They were of the WWII generation. They both grew up dirt poor in rural Texas towns but both managed to get scholarships to college at the University of Northern Texas, which is where they met and Duane went off to WWII and was a fighter pilot. They later married, had kids, and were very successful and when I met them they were millionaires living up Las Flores Canyon, in Malibu.

I had just come back into the room after making some coffee and as I entered, Duane started laughing blithely at a news story about his home state seceding from the Union and as he was wiping his eyes he said, “They’re doing it again.” He then explained that this was something cyclical, like the swallows returning to Capistrano. It was incredible then, it’s even more incredible now.

As stated, that was in the 90’s and I have lived to see Texas threaten to secede more than once. It happened again in 2016, that much I can assure you, because I remember it well. It just seems to be part of the rhythm of life down there. Now, Texas has Greg Abbott at the helm and Donald Trump egging him on to sheer lunacy. It will be interesting to see how this sub-plot resolves.

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  1. every action these high level magas take is
    cloaked in treason and insurrection.
    they could give a shit about the southern border
    except they tell that to the masses.
    They just want to get their insurrection and/or succesion on.

  2. Abbott and Trump-O are instigating and encouraging armed insurrection against the lawful orders of the Supreme Court and lawfully elected government of the United States.

    Any National Guard units on site should be ordered to lay down their arms and disperse immediately or be charged with rebellion, and Abbott and Trump-O should be arrested and imprisoned for treason.

    We, as the citizenry, are way past playing games with these traitors and there needs to be a stop to these kinds of instigations immediately……the time for talking is over…..if you can’t listen, you have to feel.

  3. With all that pissing going on in Russia Pootie is probably sending notes to Trump taunting him about golden showers – and promising that IF he’s a good boy and gets back in the WH and does what he was supposed to get done the first time he will personally give his puppet Trump a golden shower.

  4. IIRC, GOV Faubus went to deploy the AR National Guard against efforts to integrate Central High in Litle Rock in 1957. President Eisenhower successfully trumped that effort by federalizing the Guard. When violence DID break out, Ike sent in the 82nd Airborne Division with live ammo and bayonets, and told them to kill anyone who shot at them (he was outraged, and nobody wanted to argue with a retired 5-star General who was also President). I can see Biden federalizing any Guard units that show up, even if from other states.

  5. George Wallace blocking the doors with state troopers to stop integration at the doors of the University of Alabama anyone? Time for hardball Merrick! Say what you want about the Kennedy brothers…they shut shit like this down.

  6. How much of the U.S. would give a happy rat’s ass if tx secedes? Not too much especially when one considers how many military bases, federal contracts, etc. will need new homes and/or new contractors. Less federal dollars going to that hole in a wall state means we either pay down the national debt or more dollars go to other states. I really don’t see many tears being shed when all this is put to the rest of the U.S.

    So, texass, bye, bye and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way to third world country status.

  7. If Texas wants to secede, I say, “vaya con Dios” and good riddance.
    Let’s see how long it takes Mexico to absorb them.
    Then those sh*t-kickers won’t have to worry about illegal immigrants from Mexico and we can build a proper wall on Texas’ north border.

  8. Oh, we’re being invadrd. Mothers and kids aged 6 months to 12 years if age,,all carrying RPGs and AR15s hidden in their clothing. Riiiiiiiiight.
    Go ahead,,Texas. Secede. You lose a ton of for education and border security (those agents work America, not the Stupid State of Texas), Medicare, Social.Security, for hospitals and roads, access to drill in other states, etc.,etc., etc.

    Do we lose anything really?


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