It’s so wonderful that Donald Trump is so selfless, always worrying about the other guy, isn’t it? I confess to marveling daily at how the milk of human kindness just spews from his pores, nonstop. What’s that you say? That’s his body odor? You’re probably right. Trump has truly outdone himself this afternoon, as has his crackpot lawyer, Alina Habba, she who would have you know how easy it is for her to fake being smart. Now would be a good time to start, Alina, you desperately need to get both yourself and your a-hole client out of the holes which you have both dug.

Here’s what Trumpty Dumpty has sent out into the ethernet, his usual spew of policy and piffle, sent out via his short thumbs. The part that I find comical about both what he said, and what you’ll see that Habba said in just a moment, is that they’re feigning concern for others, for all Americans in fact. Oh, puh-leeeze.

Here’s Habba’s sophistry for the day. Or, at least for the hour. The day is still young. It’s not even sundown in the west yet.

Two obvious things: the spin on Trump’s fomenting a riot somehow being something that he had a right to do, is dizzying. There simply is no logic to this, and the defense of Trump gets way out as the days go by. The other obvious thing is that the impeachment trial(s) had zip to do with this. Impeachment is a political process. That’s established fact. To argue that Trump would be tried for the same crime twice, double jeopardy, is nutzo, totally nutzo. Yet that’s the argument that Trump world minions get on the TV and spew day after day.

One thing is certain and that is Trump is plenty worried. Yes, Jack Smith’s prosecution is going to cut into Trump’s “golden years” retirement years, what have you. But that’s Trump’s fault. He was the one who incited a riot. Smith is merely the one prosecuting the matter as special counsel appointed to do so.

But, per usual, Trumpty Dumpty is the victim. The Deep State is out after him. All the world is arrayed against him, not fair, not fair.

And of course the ultimate tragedy is that the GOP just won’t and can’t cut him loose. And they’re tethered to him and will go down in flames along with him.

Trump glows whenever anybody talks about how well he’s doing in the polls.

You heard what was just said about “complete inconsistency” and that is the bottom line here. Mitch McConnell did say that Trump could be criminally prosecuted later. That is precisely what is happening.

All that this is is ongoing, non stop sophistry, the presentation of fallacious arguments with an intent to deceive. Trump has no defense. He knows it. His lawyers know it. They’re just spinning crazy theories without legal foundation out of the thin air.

I daresay that what really happened after the court hearing today is that Trump’s lawyers, in private, told him that the prognosis was not good. And that prompted him to take to social media to attack Jack Smith for ruining the golden years of presidents yet to come. Jack Smith is taking a flamethrower to Trump’s house of cards.

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  1. Your “… One thing is certain and that is Trump is plenty worried… But that’s Trump’s fault… Smith is merely the one prosecuting … [and ] … McConnell did say that Trump could be criminally prosecuted later… [and this is] … precisely what is happening… Trump has no defense. He knows it. His lawyers know it… Jack Smith is taking a flamethrower to Trump’s house of cards…” is so, so, soooooo spot on. Trump and his lawyers are now engaged in a desperate ‘show and tell’ – they have gasping, as they are nearly out of emergency ‘thin air’.

  2. Are we certain he meant golden years? As cognitively scrambled as he apparently is…maybe he meant golden showers. ‘Some people say’ with ‘tears in their eyes’ he’s been rained on by Russian ladies of the night.

    • My experience with prisons is going into a state one and a federal one to play basketball games against inmates so I mostly saw the gyms, and only glimpses of the rest on the way to and from the gym. And there was supposed to be no talking between us and the players on the inmate’s teams although a little bit took place. But I know I don’t really know jack. I’ve been told a few things, both from some who’ve done some time and from guards that contrary to common belief prisons aren’t a complete cesspool of inmate on inmate violence, rapes and so on. But that yes, such things happen and in some places things can be brutal for lots of people just trying to do their time and get out of there in one piece.

      So, having said that I’m certain stuff goes on. And if Trump wants golden showers there are plenty who’ll be happy to oblige him! (And while it would be unlikely other inmates would get the chance he’d get them whether he wanted them or not!)

  3. Wait. If he’s impeached, he can’t be tired in court (double-jeopardy), but he can’t be tried in court unless first impeached? My head hurts.


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