Journalist Johnathan Katz captured video of the Congressional delegation consisting of Reps Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Joaquin Castro and Rashida Tlaib visiting the child detention facility in Clint, Texas.

He posted several clips of the group, but the one I am highlighting is the advocates of Concentration Camps shouting Islamic slurs at Rep. Tlaib:

Some reactions:

Here is Katz’s video of AOC talking about people being forced to drink from toilets:

And AOC trying to speak to the crowds. (sorry about the double tweets, they are linked in Katz’s thread.)

Rep. Ayanna Pressley making herself heard.

The people shout out elected Representatives to support the abuse, imprisonment, and degradation of refugees, including little kids, are a real and present danger to our country.

We must do all we can to push back.

There will be protest all over the country today to demand we close the camps.

Find one below and attend if you are able.

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  1. Yeah, after 2016, I never called them deplorables. I call them “Irredeemables”. And really, dummies? Getting on camera which will live on the Internet forever and ever? It’s like they forgot what happened to all those fascist protesters at Charlottesville who didn’t cover their faces. Hint: there’s a reason wide scale protests from that crowd haven’t happened since. At worst, I think we may be looking at future members of domestic terror cells.

    • They seem to think that when the cameras and the voice recorders are turned off, the recordings disappear. And when they delete their horrible statements, no one else will remember what they said, and the screencaps will disappear.

      • Fine by me if they DO think that, P J. The hammer always lands the hardest on the unaware. And any ugly future consequences of this BS are more than earned.

  2. They aren’t pro-immigrant detention so much as they will ardently fight for anything Trump tells them to. He’s the cancer at the center of this illness.

    Therefore, I think we have to make it a long-term strategy to bring Trump as low as law and ethics allow. Meaning that I don’t think we can win the election and allow him to retire with a ‘forgive and forget’ attitude. I think we have to go after him on tax evasion, obstruction, conspiracy, and any other crime he committed. I think we have to make him a lesson of him…for our generation, and for the history books.

    • Oh, I couldn’t agree more, Rory. As much as Trump has cost so many of the usual Republican suspects in terms of money, power and prestige, I suspect we’ll have a lot of help in that endeavor.

    • Not just him but his entire stinking family: the two blobs of walking hair gel, the Robot Princess and her Ken Doll hubby.

  3. Personally I’d kind of like to drown out “AOC” myself. She’s got the second most annoying speech patterns after Ivanka. Pressley is terrific and brooks no nonsense. Tlaib is a sharp cookie too. But the hatred these assholes are spewing is getting really scary. I think they should fire every border guard who was on that Facebook page where they were dehumanizing immigrants ad refugees.

    • I personally see AOC as a saner, younger, smarter alternative to Bernie. So I am less annoyed by her actions, none of which have included money shell games like Bernie tends to play.

      • I think, like Buttigieg, she is very promising, but she needs more seasoning to live up to her hype. A lot of what she says and does seems staged to me, but she has time to grow up and god knows, she’s not running around the world (at least so far), pretending she has “diplomatic chops,” as the NY Times described Ivanka today.

        • Yeah, I can agree with the seasoning argument but that’s nothing that time and learning on the job can’t fix. And I have to give her props for using her current clout to shine a spotlight on the kiddie concentration camps and the fools dumb enough to argue for them.

          • I agree, she uses her spotlight and attractiveness for the good, unlike Ivanka, who seems to use her looks to deflect people from openly talking about how empty, self-centered and ineffective she is (Recognize yourself, NY Times?) However, many other congresspeople who aren’t as pretty have also brought attention to these “kiddie concentration camps.” I have no problem with her learning on the job and using her assets to benefit others. I think my main problem is some of her fans (and the celebrity-obsessed media) acting like she is doing and saying things no one else is. Battles aren’t won by a single person, no matter how pretty she is.

          • Call it “messiah worship”, no less true of the left than the right, no matter what the former says. Still, why bother bringing up her looks? I barely notice them myself when it comes to this work.

          • Why? Because that’s why she was recruited and it’s 3/4s the reason she gets the attention she does, compared to someone like Katie Porter who isn’t that pretty. People fall for stuff like that; it’s just a fact.

          • Even if it is fact, bringing it up like this just feels a little…catty to me. Nothing gold shall stay and I trust in time to sort things like that out.

  4. The moment these children were stolen from the arms of their parents, they became our children! Ours to care for and protect! The hatred and cruelty is obscene. The disrespect shown to duly elected congresswomen is just as bad! Women and children, two favorite punching bags for the rethugicans!

    • A chilling quote from a school shooter character’s suicide note in Andrew Vachss’ Hard Candy comes to mind on the subject of the children: “Pray to your f***ing gods I’m the last one. But you know I’m not. You do things to us, we grow up and we do things to you.”


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