Post Trump Press Conf, John Harwood States: “He’s not Well. Lies.” (Video)


John Harwood of MSNBC watched Trump’s first solo press-conference with a group of MSNBC analysts in horror. When asked to comment on what he saw during the rambling word avalanche, Harwood said he was concerned that the president of the United States was “not well.”

Trump stood at the podium and spoke in clauses, nothing made sense, he could not stay on task, Harwood doubted that Trump told the truth in telling several stories about discussions he had with other leaders at the G7. David Corn of Mother Jones became breathless about the fact that Trump congratulated foreign nations for “fooling” past United States’ presidents, wondering how we’ve come from a Republican world where the Dixie Chicks would be ostracized for criticizing their own country, to a world where Trump gets to heap praise on nations that were able to get the better of former presidents (and not just Obama).

We’re like the piggy bank everyone is robbing.

Donald Trump

Imagine how this plays out overseas, too? Poor America, all those riches, all those decades of pushing the world around, installing dictators, supporting the business-friendly side of civil wars, now the victim, taken advantage of by those meanies at the G7!

Imagine, the ultimate Snowflake, Donald Trump, talking about how unfair the world has been to the richest, most powerful country in history. My god, first world problems.

Trump did nothing but reaffirm his commitment to lifting Russia to a place at the table and humiliate his own nation by being such a whiner.

I will be looking for video of the A.M. Joy segment with Harwood to add when available, for now, the “performance” below.

Follow me on Twitter: @MiciakZoom

His Entire pressconference below:

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