For all the right reasons, spending time with family, staying away from the news, some of us missed the fact that three busses dropped off asylum-seeking migrants, here in the United States legally, in front of VP Harris’s House (Technically dropped off outside the Naval Observatory) in nine-degree weather on Christmas Eve.

Though it has not been definitively proven, the bus trips to Harris’s address in the past were all linked to Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

To put this into some sort of perspective, during the WW I slaughter along the trenches, both sides declared a truce on Christmas Eve and both sides came out of the trenches and drank and ate together. But in modern America, “cruelty is the point,” as has been said over and over. Greg Abbott is particularly cruel. These people were in the United States legally. They are not under Greg Abbott’s authority as governor. What he is doing fits the legal definition of false imprisonment. (People often wrongly say “human trafficking” but human trafficking requires that the people who traffick others intend to put them to work, either physical work, sexual imprisonment, or indentured servitude, and none of those fit what the governors are doing with migrants.)

The Right-Wing, especially Trump, lumps all migrants together. But there is a strong legal difference between illegal immigrants sneaking across the border (mostly Mexican citizens) and those migrants that seek asylum, who line up at the border and present themselves as seeking asylum from persecution in their own country, such as Venezuela. By international law, the safe country must hold a hearing to determine if the seekers are truly persecuted, and – if so, grant them asylum until their home country is safe or they apply for and are given green cards as legal immigrants. The point is that asylum seekers are in this country legally and are under the authority of the federal government. Greg Abbott has no right to do anything with them.

And yet according to Mediaite:

CNN reports that the three buses dropped off their passengers outside the Naval Observatory, and the arrivals included asylum seekers from multiple Latin American countries. CNN’s coverage was corroborated by other outlets that noted several of the migrants who got off the bus were seen wearing T-shirts and shorts, even though Washington was on track to have a record-breakingly cold Christmas

It was nine degrees when the migrants were dropped off the busses… on Christmas Eve, highly symbolic. Utter hatred. Luckily, good people were there, ready to help, giving of themselves in Christmas spirit and baseline humanity:

“This is a welcome effort that we’ve been doing since the first bus arrived,” Fischer told WJLA-TV. “D.C. just continues to show up as a welcoming city that is always ready and willing to open their arms to welcome people, whether it’s Christmas Eve, whether it’s 9 degrees outside or 90 degrees outside.”

False imprisonment is:

The illegal confinement of one individual without his or her consent by another individual in such a manner as to violate the confined individual’s right to be free from the restraint of movement.

False imprisonment can be effectuated by fraud or coercion, lying to the people transferred. The crime is usually a misdemeanor but dropping people off in brutal and dangerous conditions with no shelter could constitute endangerment or some other more serious crime. It also opens one up to almost unlimited tort liability, too. There are already groups forming to sue Abbott and the state of Texas.

One wonders if Abbott and DeSantis have reached their limit in terms of their ability to shock and whether there will come a point to where enough people say “Stop!” Certainly, there will always be some in favor of cruelty.

But it has to stop.
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, Substack Trump’s Christmas Message Lists His Greatest Fears


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  1. My husband brought this to my attention, yesterday. We are both upset about it and I certainly hope these lawsuits have some effect. He also told me that some commenters approve these actions and are cheering them on.

    • Oh, yes – some find this hilariously funny. “Jokes on you!” Using people as pawns. And that’s the cruelty, the inability to see these people as human beings, not pawns.

  2. It utterly amazes me how the people of Texas re-elected this scumbag Abbott as their Governor, what the hell were they thinking? I have no sympathy for them, I hope they get what they voted for….a SCUMBAG FOR GOVERNOR!!!!

    • They didn’t elect him. Beto won, he should not have conceded and should have called for an audit/investigation – such as performed by The Carter Center and others. There was massive election fraud in multiple ways at the R County and State level. That’s what Rs do – cheat anyway they can, because they know they can’t win if every citizen’ vote is counted and every citizen that attempts to vote is allowed to vote without their registration being thrown out or their signature considered not a match. As a result, because Abbott accepted bribes from Texas’s power grid corporations and Texas Rs changed the laws to allow Texas electricity supplying corp to charge insane rates (steal) and not maintain their equipment to provide reliable electricity during high demand times, we once again have rolling blackouts and Texans dying frozen in their heatless homes. If there is a hell, GOP-Nazi Abbott and his GOP-Nazi AG Paxton are certainly going to be there a very long time for unlawful imprisonment of legal migrants, perpetrating election fraud, bribery, kick backs, extreme corruption. As they say follow the $, because Abbott is for sale to the highest corporate bidder.

    • There are a lot of scum bag people in Texass. That’s why the repubs continue to run the state. Cruelty is the only point for people like Abbott and the assholes who vote for him.

  3. Does Abbott consider himself a Christian? He’s clearly forgotten the message of not just the Nativity but the teachings of Christ. I’m an agnostic but I live my life in accordance with the teachings of Christ, Buddha, and Mohammad. Abbot is just evil. Wake up Texans! Is this really how you want to treat fellow humans?

    By the way, I understand there were children in those buses. Child endangerment needs to be added to the charges against Abbot and Texas.

  4. And THIS is why I no longer pay any attention to Trump. Now that the bullies can no longer use him as their legitimacy crutch, they will strive to emulate him and his agenda in as many cruel ways as they can. This is what the impotent do when they’re losing…none of which will bring them one step closer to what they want. That it hurts others who did nothing to them just adds to the ugly.

    • And DeSantis is even worse. I wrote the other day (Somewhere) that America has its first dictatorial state in Florida. DeSantis control the legislature in the same way that Stalin controlled his committee. He owns the Florida SCOTUS just as much as the Federalist Society owns this one.

      • Oh, Jason…while DeathSantis is indeed terrible, you need not look too far back in the history of the 20th Century South to see what one of those dictatorial states look like.

        • True, and “first” is not quite accurate. But “First since” something is – though I’m not exactly sure when. And in any case., ignorance of history being required by the GOP, a contemporary example is stronger than an historical one.

      • But deathsantis wants to get the White House. That’s the difference and it’s scary as all get out. He is indeed a tyrant. Can you even begin to imagine what he would do to the country and democracy? I fear for our country if he is elected to the highest office. He cheats. So any election should be suspect.

        • Some things, imagination is unnecessary because you’re already seeing it on a smaller scale. And what exactly makes you think that the unnamed governors I alluded to didn’t want the same? If we are fortunate (and I suspect we will be), DeathSantis loses steam way too early anyway.

          • I find myself in complete agreement with you. There are others who aspire both to be their state’s version of DeSantis and also slime their way into the WH. One in particular is who I’ve got an eye on. Kemp from Georgia. He’s probably praying every single day that the GOP’s Trump “fever” will break in the next six or eight months. That his Party will make it clear they are making a real, concerted effort to dump Trump up to and including if not publicly cheering on prosecutions then not trying to score political points by taking shots at those doing the prosecuting and Democrats (or the handful of their own like Liz Cheney) that try to put Trump in prison where he belongs. Kemp I’m sure figures HE would be in a great position with Independents to claim the “reasonable, “honorable” Republican mantle for having stood up to Trump’s pressure to steal Georgia’s electoral votes in 2020! (Of course, he followed Raffesnsberger’s lead – Kemp didn’t lead the charge in his state to defend the process) That shit would actually play with a disturbing number of Independents. But again, only if the GOP overall makes it clear Trump is toast in their eyes, and MAGAts go along if only grudgingly.

        • From what I understand from family in Texas, Abbot is a “devout Catholic” which might explain that I fell out with the Church quite sometime ago.

  5. News for all the ‘christians’ out there. ALL the early followers of Jesus were called believers. The moniker ‘christian’ came much later as a derogatory slang word for that crazy JEWISH sect that BELIEVED their leader rose from the dead. Jesus was also REPORTED, since NO disciple provably wrote anything down, that the ONLY people he considered disciples were those who FOLLOWED HIS COMMANDMENTS. The second greatest commandment was the golden rule found in every written religious tradition, including Islam. So when you treat the downtrodden in evil ways, you are NOT following Jesus, and that makes YOU a LIAR. In the gospel of John 8: 42-47, Jesus was reported to call liars & hypocrites the “children of the devil, who was a murderer and liar from the beginning. When he speaks lies, it is his native language, for the truth is not in him.” Seems pretty damn clear that Abbott, Trump and the rest of the GOP fit that description PERFECTLY. Tick fucking tock mutherfuckers. The sand is pouring through the hourglass, life being short, and, if I were you fuckers, I’d think about REPENTING, because if there’s a ‘God’ who is all knowing and is the TRUTH…eternal judgement awaits, and your lies, money, power, and title will not save your ass. Having had a ‘near death’ experience, I can assure you there ARE more things in heaven and earth than dreamt of in YOUR SORRY ARROGANCE. Being lied to, bused across the nation in a killer storm, and being dumped in freezing temperatures will seem like child’s play compared what awaits you. Believe it or not…your choice. Your fate. Your sorry gamble.

    • Two years ago I would’ve read your comment and said to myself: “There is something higher, but I don’t know that the religions capture anything…”

      Unfortunately – and I’m not trying to persuade others bc I wouldn’t have listened to some kook writer, but it took real, tangible, physical, evidence in front of my face to convince me – it was the only way.

  6. I wonder if Gov. Abbott attends a church? I imagine he does. I also imagine his presence is noted there by clergy. During such attendance, is the congregation exhorted to support the Governor in his evil, inhumane and anti-christian doings?

    Sadly, I imagine they are and they do.

    • Trust me on this much…this is the standard cruelty I’ve seen far too many Southern Baptists visit upon the weak every chance they get.



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