Since Paul Gosar was trained as a dentist and not as a lawyer, he evidently doesn’t know that the truth is an absolute defense to defamation. A reporter referred to Gosar as a “white nationalist” which is pretty unremarkable considering that he has spoken at white nationalist gatherings along with the likes of Nick Fuentes. But for some reason Gosar took those as fightin’ words and here’s what happened.

Here’s a link to an article in AZ Mirror which reports on Gosar’s headlining speech February 26 before the America First Political Action Conference, which was organized by Nick Fuentes, who makes no bones about the fact that he’s a white nationalist. Ever hear how you’re judged by the company you keep, Paul?

Gosar was the only elected representative to speak at the conference. Other speakers included Vincent James Foxx, a propagandist for white supremacists online who creates compilations of racist fist fights, and former Rep. Steve King who was repudiated by most of his fellow congressional Republicans after an interview with The New York Times in which he wondered why terms like “white supermacist” have become “offensive.”

Gosar attempted to distance himself from Fuentes and his speaking engagement, saying the next day that he denounces “white racism” and that he attended the event to reach a younger conservative voter base, according to The Washington Post.

However, Gosar has been popular with Fuentes and other extremists for years.

“Sounds like Paul Gosar is a good guy, I hadn’t heard of him before,” a user in an Identity Ervopa Discord chat said in January 2018. The leaked chat logs were obtained by non-profit news outlet Unicorn Riot and contain information on how many far-right groups organized the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville and also reveal how some white supremacists spoke about other Arizona lawmakers.

Identity Evropa is a hate group that has rebranded itself as the Foundation for American Society in Arizona whose founder spoke at the first AFPAC event last year.

“Paul Gosar is now a confirmed groyper,” a user in a discord chat said in FebruaryGroypers are white nationalists and far-right activists who often troll conservatives who they feel are not extreme enough. Though loosely organized and members of many different groups, groypers are almost all followers of Fuentes.

Let’s see how Gosar redefines this particular event and group of people as anything but white supremacist.

I doubt he will sue because somebody is going to take him aside and explain what’s what to him. But it is interesting that a nerve got tweaked here and bigly, too.

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  1. He may think that “white nationalist” is different from “white supremacist”. Maybe there’s a difference, but it’s very small.

  2. If every playing field was tended to, like it should be, thundering football players and soccer players, could always depend on smooth running and a somewhat less bruising fall or body slam …

    Here is this plan … “You can’t call me that, I’m NOT one of those”, a small but important ripple in the wishful thinking of Gosar … neat and tidy, grass fed and watered, mowed to precisely the working height of normal fields, here came a reporter that dared to say what he really is, and now, there is a fine golf club divot out in the sod, and Gosar just has to know, he will be the first to trip on that divot …

    His scramble to bring it all back in focus should be quite entertaining … loud and un-principled people have a tendency to make obtuse comments about their own history and blaming someone else for who knows what … he may already be toast, his more recent documented performances with like-minded idiots will be very hard to ignore …


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