Excuses and rationalizations after a party loses a campaign are endemic to politics, like the ivy on the walls of academia. That said, the *thought processes* coming from the evangelical wingnut faction of the Republican party are something else altogether. First it was predicted that Gawd had decided to reelect Trump. Now it’s being explained that yes, Gawd did decide that, but Ivanka Trump got into the mix, just like Eve in the Garden of Eden and she lost the election for Daddy. This is vintage lunacy, take a listen.

That’s right! Roy Cohn was the original “killer” that Trump has been looking to replace his entire life. I wonder what their Gawd thinks about that one?

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  1. With these types, there is always another, more appalling explanation for the way things turned out. Especially if it turns out their predictions were incorrect. I’m guessing he would not like the scripture in Deuteronomy 18:21-22. It basically says that if some prophecies something and it doesn’t happen, the message was not from God.

  2. Ivanka has more in common with Adam’s first wife Lilitu (“Lilith” to us goyim) than she ever did Eve. And yeah, it’s still Trump’s own fault.

    • Is indelicate, improper or even offensive to point out that periodically we are treated to the revelation that one of these RWNJ types who spend so much time railing against homosexuality turn out to be closeted gays? The more dudes like this shout, the more I wonder…

  3. I prefer the term Evilgelicals. Condemning all Evangelicals as Trumpsters isn’t totally fair — some are capable of intelligent reasoning!

  4. Sounds like disguised anti-seminism to me.

    The Bible also says eating any insect other than locusts, grasshoppers or crickets is an abomination. Also “haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.”

    I think I see a stream of abominations coming directly from Trump!!!

    • Oh sure it is, Anastasia. When things go bad, this crowd ALWAYS reverts back to its pet prejudices on the why of it. They and how they overlooked the ill treatment of my family during my old man’s reign of terror on us is why I turned my back on Christianity a long time ago…with zero regrets.

  5. As Maddow sometimes says we should put a pin in this. It could turn out to be an interesting development. Trump would have been blown out by Clinton in 2016 if not for the RWNJ “Evangelicals” and we’ve all marveled at the deal they made with the devil via their orange hued, fake gilded gold idol. You just know if Ivanka gets word of this she’s going to demand “daddy” take this guy out. Without his twitter that will be tougher but he can still find a way to make his displeasure felt. What could make this significant though is if this dude’s sentiment spreads in the white evangelical community. You don’t think Trump will head over to Limbaugh’s studio and go on a rant about them attacking his wannabe Princess? There’s another possibility of course which is that Trump will throw Ivanka under the bus on this. That could cause a major rupture in team Trump, and with the succubus Kymberly egging him on Don Jr. will make an all out bid to take over as Trump’s undisputed fair haired child. That family battle would be epic and bound to spill over into the public realm – thanks to Don Junior’s girlfriend! Of course this might be a blip on the radar that blows over, but maybe not. It’s possible that a major fracture is about to take place in either Trump’s alliance with all those tee vee preachers or within his family who are the only people he halfway trusts. Some of the time. Or both! Let’s hope this does NOT blow over. It could be what is needed to break the back of Trumpism and reduce the problem to more manageable proportion.

    • I would argue that too many people are losing too much too quickly for this to blow over. And I expect Princess Nepotista is indeed about to get thrown under that bus’ blood-soaked tired.


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