Whelp, it looks like Matt Gaetz’s decision to fire (to borrow a phrase) former Speaker Kevin McCarthy like a dog has put an end to the over the top farce that was the House Oversight Committee’s public hearings on all matters Hunter Biden.

After careful consideration of the fact that he had his a$$ handed to him by his own witnesses, and his complete lack of evidence whatsoever of any wrongdoing, Oversight Chair Comer has apparently decided to withdraw his committee’s work from public sight and rely on dispositions… which are easier to edit, manipulate and misrepresent than the teatimony of live witnesses that stubbornly insist on telling the truth:

“In late September, after months of bloviating on Fox News, and as the United States was barreling towards a government shutdown, House Republicans led by House Oversight Chair Rep. James Comer (R-KY) launched an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, despite having no evidence for their inflammatory claims and not holding a formal vote.

The first hearing, covered by the MeidasTouch Network, was nothing short of an utter disaster for Comer and the GOP. And now, Comer appears to have second thoughts on holding a second hearing following his complete and total humiliation…

…So that appears to be Comer’s new plan: work in the shadows, give depositions, and cherry pick information to make his case, rather than allowing the public to see his case fall apart…

… During the public hearing, such blows to Comer’s case were far more difficult to spin. Early on, Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked the three Republican star witnesses a simple question: “In your testimony today, are you presenting any firsthand witness account of crimes committed by the President of the United States?” The witnesses, Jonathan Turley, Eileen O’Connor, and Bruce Dubinsky all stated unequivocally that they did not.

Turley even confessed, “I do not believe that the current evidence would support articles of impeachment.””

Yeah, that went really well.

Not hard to see why Comer doesn’t wish to preside over any more of that.

Our pal Ron Filipowski, who edits MeidasTouch News, brought this scoop to his followers on Twitter:

When you’ve lost NewsMax 🙄🙄🙄


Yeah but he wants to do it without hearings… just straight to a vote and bullying all the Republicans to fall in line.


Well, that and the J6 Committee had the facts on their side.


So I guess we can expect Comer to slink back into shadow and only peddle his lies to Fox News and NewsMax.

Which of course mainstream outlets will dutifully report as if they have merit.

But maybe this decision was not all Comer’s doing…

Perhaps Speaker Johnson has shoved Comer aside to accommodate his plan to investigate how actual science got into our classrooms and to recreate the Salem Witch trials…

Good times.

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  1. Comer doesn’t have the brains to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel. Of course, the boot can be accidentally knocked over.

  2. Gotta love the MAGA “news” consumer cartoon! The kid on the floor with the chamber pot head is best…he has to directly consume the BS until he’s old enough for indoor plumbing and by then it’s too late too flush it away!


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