There is massive confusion in right-wingnuttia about what the First Amendment protects or doesn’t protect. Most of the right-wing ignoramuses think that the First Amendment gives them carte blanche to say or do anything. And who can blame them? They see GOP leaders and their lawyers say patently false and damaging things on a daily basis and walk scot free. Parler users came to Parler to have a platform to go unrestrainedly bonkers on and some of them are very upset that Parler provided photographs of the January 6 riot at the Capitol to the FBI. Mashable:

“Some users have raised questions about the practice of referring violent or inciting content to law enforcement,” begins Parler’s latest statement. “The First Amendment does not protect violence inciting speech, nor the planning of violent acts. Such content violates Parler’s TOS. Any violent content shared with law enforcement was posted publicly and brought to our attention primarily via user reporting. And, as it is posted publicly, it can properly be referred to law enforcement by anyone. Parler remains steadfast in protecting your right to free speech.”

Of course, this type of speech that Parler says violates its rules is the same type of speech that social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube say violates their rules. The whole appeal of Parler to its conservative userbase is that the platform supposedly differs from the others on that.

This is going to be a tough nut for Parler to crack, because it’s supposed to be the anti-Twitter, FB, etc. and it’s not.

“So you are snitches over nothing but democrat conspired bs???” commented one user on Parler’s own post about the letter to it’s Parler profile page.

The comments section quickly filled up with some of Parler’s users accusing the right wing social media platform of “ratting out” the site’s own members.

“SO PARLER IS NO BETTER THAN FAKEBOOK AND TWITTER…..?” posted another user in reply. “This is NOT an example of a free speech platform. Parler is a fraud,” claimed yet another.

Parler is between a rock and a hard place here. It has asked Apple to have its app sold at their store, and Apple so far has declined. Parler may end up being a flash in the pan.

It looks like QAnon may be the last game in town, and it’s got problems of its own after wrongly predicting the return of Trump.

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  1. These people don’t seem to grasp the concept of public domain. Even if the platform didn’t turn over violent content, law enforcement could find it on their own. Like the lady in Galveston, throwing a fit about being asked to leave a bank after refusing to wear a mask. She didn’t get that the bank is private property and not considered a public space.

    • There is much they don’t grasp: the lack of support outside their bubble, the immortality of anything you upload on the Internet, how to be part of a SUCCESSFUL continuing criminal enterprise…

  2. They try to have it both ways. If they storm the capitol and incite to violence, and get away with it, they’re patriots. If they get CAUGHT it was some fake antifa ruse.

  3. Hey Q screwballs, don’t you know that Trump is running the country from Mar-A-Lago? Or is he running from the covid- 19 that is all over the place?

  4. Einstein quipped that he believed there were only two things that were possibly infinite…the universe & human stupidity. He had doubts about the universe.

  5. I think we can all agree that Parler people, Qanons, anti-maskers, Covid non-believers and trump worshippers are missing a few brain cells. They keep proving it over and over again.

  6. Rule #1 of Criminal Behavior for Dummies……..don’t video yourself breaking the law and then post it on social media.


    When I first heard about Parler I was all for it……making the FBI’s job easier by having all of the wingnuts in one place so they can keep an eye on what they are up to.

  7. Such Simple Simons, this bunch, none of whom have yet to understand how nothing on the Internet is either private nor protected. They suffer the same contradictory urges of their fallen man-baby god: the desire to commit crimes coupled with the want to be able to boast of it after. It’s now a race to see if the COVID or prosecutors get them first.


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