Sunday was a busy day for nobody’s favorite GOP Senator, Ted Cruz, who appeared in an interview with right wing talker Mark Levin before ducking out to watch his Houston Astros play the Yankees for the American League Championship – where he received a hearty Bronx one finger salute.

Ted was on the Levin lying hour to defend the man who insulted both his wife and father, repeating one of drumpf’s big lies, that other Presidents had taken sensitive documents from the White House, to squirrel away exactly as drumpf has done.

He went to Yankee Stadium to watch his Astros try to win the pennant, but left in the sixth inning of a tie game to boos and the aforementioned birds.

Twitter had fun with both:






💯 💯 💯

And lied about it.





“Mostly Crisco” 🙌 🤣😂😂


Sound up for this one.

And, hell freezes over:

Everybody hates Ted Cruz.

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  1. He loves him some hate. The bird did nothing. The folks at The View today yelling at him. He’s impervious. He’s is narcissistic like 45. Good vibes, bad vibes – at least they’re feeding his narcissism.


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