Nothing like the suspense of a big announcement. Donald Trump’s digital trading cards fiasco comes to mind. Hopefully, the Nassau County GOP has it more together than the former guy and will actually pay off what they have teased.

Apparently wheels have been turning in New York, other than the ones on the wagon driven by the local district attorney’s office, who considers George Santos’ fabrications to be “stunning.”

The local GOP is apparently somewhat stunned themselves. Here’s what they’re doing.

Whoaaaaaa! The contingent will deliver the strongest statement yet? Ouch. I can’t wait to hear that.

In all truth, if Santos had an ounce of character, anywhere in his entire being, he would have resigned already. But, also in all truth, if he had an ounce of character anywhere in his entire being, he wouldn’t be in the mess he’s in.

I hope they do the right thing and get rid of him. Kevin McCarthy is doing nothing. He got what he wanted, he’s not going to censure Santos. McCarthy needs all the loyal, useful idiots around him that he can get.

If anybody is going to redress the Santos situation, it will be the local GOP.


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  1. I still say Santos isn’t going anywhere unless charges are filed and he’s arrested and held without bail. That held without bail is highly unlikely. It will take time for any criminal trial to play out and by then we will be into 2024 primary season. Santos will sit there and collect his fat salary and enjoy every perk he can for as long as he can. McCarthy and the GOP aren’t about to dump him because even with a great candidate they are unlikely to win a special election for his seat. All Santos has to do is vote how he’s told to vote and prepare to flee to another country when the time comes. Hopefully LE is keeping an eye out on that.

    • You are right that a congressman cannot be recalled. But his local party can ask him to resign. And if he refuses, well that would be fun, wouldn’t it? Because he would be repudiated by the very organization that backed his election.

      • He can’t be recalled but he could lose significant funding as well as local support come 2024. Should they put forth a challenger, and it looks like they are at the ready, and financially support the candidate, Santos will be doing a Cawthorn.

        • DeSantos DeLiar doesn’t care about funding and doesn’t care about what the local Rs do. He’s getting $$$ from Leonard Leo and Putins Kremlin buddies ontop of his $174,000/yr. salary with all expenses paid and all health care costs 100% covered.

    • As Keith Richards might have put it, Santos better walk before they make him run. If he has indeed lost the backing of his county’s GOP, then they’ll do whatever to force him out. He’s one of their biggest liabilities at a time they cannot afford such.

      • I’d love for you to be right and that the local GOP can force him out. At the same time the national GOP and McCarthy need every Republican in the House for the next two years. You know of course there is no limit to their corruption and fervor for inflicting their agenda on this country. And that they have no shame, and even delight in the fact that our side does. Santos resigning (the House GOP won’t kick him out) isn’t going to happen. He might try to pull a runner if he thinks he’s about to be arrested but as I said he can drag out prosecution and conviction for the length of his term. So even if the locals in Nassau County find a way to have him prosecuted it won’t matter. And if after everything that’s already been revealed he hasn’t shown any willingness to resign I can’t imagine what “dirt” that makes him look bad/unethical etc. is out there that they can shame him with. Clearly he’s beyond shame. Again, I’d like to be wrong and I hope I am. I’d love to see him gone and his seat being taken over by a Democrat.

        • Oh, c’mon, Denis. Recall all the nasty games they play with us to push us this way or that. When you do, try to tell me how they wouldn’t do that to a no-longer-useful idiot in their own ranks. This guy is going to be a problem with likely a coffin full of dirt they can bury him in. If it’s their neck o his, they WILL choose theirs…count on it.

          • I take your point about what they’d do if he becomes a liability. I’ve said what I’ve said because shame is one trait we know GOPers (damned near all of them) don’t possess. And Santos has brought a ton of shame to their Party and yet he showed up in DC, was given office space and showed up to cast votes in the leadership fight even as a near daily drumbeat of “Santos did WHAT?” stories kept breaking. For all the talk about Trump being a useful idiot for Russia, Santos is in my opinion quite possibly viewed as the same type of tool by the GOP. Keep in mind this is a Party with a (decades) long history of effective use of Weapons of Mass DISTRACTION and with Santos sometimes dominating news cycles it gives GOPers a little room to engage in more fuckery that will get drowned out. Yes, they are that cold and calculating. And again, if they force him out of Congress they lose that seat for however long is left in his term, and perhaps longer. So yes, if they decide he’s a liability they will throw him into the wood chipper in a heartbeat. I’m just not at all sure they will decide the hoopla surrounding him is a liability for the reason I articulated. Take a look at MTG or Bobblehead. Sometimes the freak show serves their purposes.

          • GOP.cannot lose even one vote. If he resigns, the governor for a special.election as NY state law requires If this happen ed close to.November 2024,the governor could just hold off until Novembetr but this far in advance with House members having barely taking the oath, he cannot just wait. It is likely that a,suitable R(which means any human male citizen with an I.Q. over 70 and not a lying sociopath or someone not found with a dead hooker,) will replace him.

            Married Congressman Chris Lee was forced to.resign for sending a,woman on Craigslist a shirtless photo in 2011. The GOP.has gotten.much worse since then. Adultery Shmultery. After all they stood by Hetscel.Walker who held a gun to his wife’s head, had illegitimate children with several different mothers,paid for one and likely two abortions,and had the sexual.morality of a rabbit in heat season. Today Chris Lee wouldn’t resign.

    • There is also the possibility that he will be arrested but, instead of bail or jail, he’ll be heading south courtesy of a Brazilian extradition warrant

    • Agree that Santos is not going anywhere unless/until he is forced out of Congress after being criminally indicted. He’s hoping the focus on him will die down. He knows he has to stay as House Rep because his bribers paid him $700K+ to be a candidate and to finance his run and they own him & his vote. And the perks and salary is enormous compared to what he was actually making before being elected (ALL lies about his wealth). Once he’s gone, he’s useless to the GOP (& Russia’s Putin – one of the bribees). None of them want him to resign because Governor Hochul will legally install a temporary likely D replacement until a Special Election for NY-03 can be scheduled, and R advantage for house bills drops from 8 to 6, assuming every rep votes straight party w/o crossing over. Would love to see D- Tom Suozzi, who was popular as the former House Rep from NY-03, run for his old seat. He was a much stronger candidate than D Zimmerman, who lost by 21,000 votes to White Supremacist-Nazi-KKK DeLiar DeSantos. Suozzi attempted to primary Gov. Hochul and lost and is currently out of a job. He would be the perfect candidate, would defeat DeLiar or any R candidate if a special election were to be held after Santos is arrested, indicted and removed. Just hope the wheels of justice move very swiftly because puppet Santos is the most massive stain on Democracy in our lifetimes.

  2. Santos is on his way out. The only unsettled question was how he was leaving. Assuming this is right, looks like the local GOP want to get a jump on it. Easier to rid yourself of a Congressman than a President after all.

  3. I still haven’t heard one word about if he’s a citizen or not and how he voted in that district and lived didn’t even live there

    • Don’t lknow if Brazil will even request extradition for his youthful crime, for which he fled to the USA to avoid a trial. But if he ties to flee the USA, Brazil will nab him for sure and he will be SOL.


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