What a scene Mar-a-Lago must be. I’m pretty sure that the Circles Of Hell can’t hold a candle to it. Even Dante didn’t have the vision to dream up a place like this. Rome, in its last days of decadence, had people like the denizens who dwell there, but other than that, I’m not sure that this planet has ever seen the likes of the has-beens, wanna bees, crooks, poseurs, sycophants and all around dipshits that glide through the dining rooms and halls of Donald Trump’s home with 24/7 paying guests. That, in and of itself, is a novel concept. Only Trump would conceive of “home” as a place where strangers rise to their feet to applaud when you walk into the dining room. Behold. Roseanne Barr channels Norma Desmond assuring us ignorance is bliss.

This stereotype reminds me of one I heard in college. Supposedly there were “drug pushers” who were “giving” drugs away to get people “hooked” and my friends and I were always asking, where? What corner of the campus has people giving away drugs? I’ll be there any time of the day or night, just tell me exactly where it is.

For high school dropout Roseanne to be giving this lecture in front of Donald Trump’s portrait is truly an iconic moment. This clip of video should go into the Smithsonian as a monument to America at her lowest cultural ebb, before she banished Trump from politics and then he went on to be sentenced to prison. At least that’s my fantasy of how the next few years go, we will certainly see.

There are no other values at Mar-a-Lago or Trump world as a whole besides:

  1. The worship of money (preferably inherited or stolen;)
  2. The worship of celebrity (or notoriety, who cares?)
  3. The worship of beauty (defined as whatever you can nip, tuck, attach, remove, implant;)
  4. The worship of ignorance. There can be no better paean to Ignorance As A Religion than the image of wino Roseanne Barr telling students to drop out of college — while standing in front of a portrait of Donald Trump in his Great Gatsby days.

Once again, ladies and gentlemen, this is the best that the Republican party can put at the top of its presidential ticket in the Year Of Our Lord 2024, the guy who hosts these goings on. This is who the GOP is. This is who they want America to be.

And you wonder why this party has fallen to its knees like a sick cow?

That has crossed my mind for some time as well. Are the trolls of Trump world saying these absurd things because they believe them, or is this part of a deeper plot to divide America and use social media to do so? I’m not proselytizing conspiracy theory here. I’m merely calling your attention to 2016 when Russian bots were masquerading as the neighbors on Facebook and spreading all kinds of anti-Hillary drivel. I’m seriously wondering these days just who is on what payroll. Follow the money is always the soundest piece of advice that you’re going to get. Especially with this crowd. Anytime you want to know who’s who and what’s what, you just parse through the financial relationships and lo, it all begins to make a lot of sense.

Now you know the rationale behind keeping people stupid. Keep them in the dark, unable to think, frighten them to death, and then tell them how to vote. That’s the game plan. Roseanne was one of the first celebrities to come out in favor of QAnon, if that had slipped your mind.

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  1. Actually, the MAGAt types should be commended…..

    …..all that they have going for them is their abject stupidity and ignorance, so they strive to be the absolute most ignorant and stupid MFers they can possibly be…..and they take every opportunity to prove themselves to their peers.

    Like I always say, if you are going to do something, best best at it!!!

    *big ol’ condescending smirk*

  2. I already suspected the Devil was lazy as the Maytag washer repair man…after all what evil could he conjure that our species either hasn’t done or isn’t doing? Now his minions are making a convincing case that he is not only the Prince of Darkness but the Prince of drunken morons. Another kind of darkness I guess.

  3. I don’t know what other people were doing in college but those of us in STEM curriculums were studying our asses off. Parties were for communications majors, business majors, art history majors: people who majored in shit that made you a real good barista after you graduate. You know, what those of us in engineering called the garbage courses/majors. I called them pretty much a waste of time but they were easy “A’s” so I wasn’t complaining too loudly.

    Barr only has to open that yap of hers and her lack of education rushes out like a sewer during a flood event.

    • You obviously didn’t go to.my college. I graduated Magna Cum Laude Laude from Catholic University of America as an English major. We had to study and write original.papers without using not her sources. A C you might pull off without studying very hard, but you worked your ass off for an A. After the basic classes, your coursework was in grad level classes so you were co.letting against people who already had a degree in English and were preparing for a Ph.D. Our undergrads actually raised their GRE scores from their SATs.
      I was offered full fellowships fro. Cornell and University of Pennsylvania for a master degree in Communications but accepted a third from Syracuse. That program included a course in the law, in
      Communications Theory,,as well as learning to produce, write, and direct a show(our final.was an hour to create a ten minute show with no chance to rehearse it, though you were permitted to film and create a soundtrack but your tech crew didn’t have access to the studio for any rehearsal until the day of
      final– and we shot and edited our own film and edited our own sound). We learned how to do everything involved in a ten minute segment. Your arrogance toward non-STEM majors is insulting as hell.
      I ultimately decided not to pursue a career women faced way too many barriers and sexual.harassment back in ,1972. Instead I got a library degree. we are the ultimate generalist, Google in a human body. Would you know where to find Mozart’s signature? Or who won the World Series in 1948? I would. Google is great IF you know which terms to plug in and how to tell.if a source is good and reliable or a bad one. Hint: that level.of ignorance is why Trumpies believe in him.

      You might try not insulting people who aren’t in STEM who are your allies.

  4. Giuliani should divorce whatever wife he is (I thought 3 but he may be on 4) and marry.Roseanne. They can write a bbokm together: Portrait of Two Hasbeens as Old Alcoholics. Too bad James Joyce can’t write it. Their ravings are as incomprehensible as Finnegan’s Wake but make far less.
    I don’t know if there is ,Deity, but I know Evil.exists,,and these two serve it.


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