I have always said that there should be a Broadway version of the Trump saga and perhaps there will be. It could be an opera and it will be over when Hucky Boo Boo Sanders sings. But until that glorious day (which probably won’t dawn in our lifetimes; it’s going to take many years of healing before we can laugh at this madness) at least we can get a little comic relief.

Mental acuity is a large issue this election season we are told. The incumbent just turned 81 and the former occupant, Mr. Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV, will be 78 on Election Day 2024. The incumbent is merely running for reelection. The former occupant is running to run the country that he tried to overthrow when he ran it before while he’s busy outrunning the law. There is a classic, Shakespearean quality about it all and this video captures that.

The paper is some tabloid called Global, it says further down thread. I am not familiar with it. Maybe Murdoch owns it.

This is succinct.

Trump’s skewed on the horns of quite a dilemma. He has to get back into office because only by doing so and destroying the Department of Justice and the FBI, can he eradicate the legal trials (or vacate the judgments) against him. So he’s got to become dictator and stat.

And then there’s those traitorous Koch brothers, after all I did for them, giving money to Birdbrain.

And then Meatball thinks he’s got Iowa sewed up and maybe he does. But so did Ted Cruz, so what?

These are just a few of the continuous thoughts that rattle through Trump’s mind, keeping him up at all hours.


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    • Me too… & Kamala Harris is certainly a lot more competent to take his place if necessary & without a tendency to support TRAITOROUS WOULD-BE DICTATOR WANNABES… unlike Nikki Haley who claims she would support DON THE CON if he gets the nomination.

  1. Trump is still running political ads in Iowa, our Governor is backing dumb D. dumb from Florida, even touring with him to Iowa appearances, (She has NEVER been a good Governor), She should really stay in her office and get better things done there … THAT’S what we pay her for after all …

    With Iowa being over-run and contaminated with GOP lizards backed by the BIG MONEY, the red dripping color is enough to choke on …

    I think, with some of the best medical schooling here in Iowa, some one independent from the political scene should come forward with a suggestion that Trump be examined by professionals, in all categories, mental AND physical, just the THOUGHT, of having to bluff his way through that exam, might tilt his wagon over the cliff … The expenses of transportation and security could be handled by some like the Koch Brothers who bring home 40 billion dollars a year, (EACH).

    The world’s BIGGEST LOSER, is WAY overdue for incarceration, he is a clear and present danger to himself and the rest of the world …

    If he does not have the ability to STFUP, prison will do that for him …

  2. Yeah…let’s give him the nuclear go ahead so he can stop Obama from getting us into WW2. America..
    land of the entitled cretins on parade.

  3. If Shakespeare wrote it, it would have to be a comedy, with Trump.as the clown character. Biden would be the hero. Think The Tempest,, with Don the Con as,Caliban.


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