This is perfect. #BunkerBoy began immediately trending on Twitter when Trump went in the White House bunker to hide, the first time it had been used since 9/11 — and that was a little more intense than a few protesters in the park. Today on Fox Radio Trump worsened the situation by lying that he just went down to the bunker “to inspect.” Sure. Gotta make sure those brass doorknobs shine and those crystal chandeliers sparkle, right? Now everybody is laughing all over again.

Singer and songwriter Courtney Jay was inspired to pen this charming little ditty, in honor of Trump the Lion Hearted. Take :45 to hear this, this is classic.

And this new ad depicts Trump the Courageous as well.


Update: 9:52 PDT I just found this in Trump’s Twitter feed. It’s Jimmy Kimmel’s take on the White House video showing Donald Trump, Man of God, on his triumphant processional to St. John’s


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    • I think the Biden campaign should play Bunker Boy for all it’s worth. I know that Hillary didn’t want to get down in the mud with Trump but I think that may be the best way to beat him.

  1. Thank you, Ursula. You and I lived through Nixon and even he was not such a big joke. Maybe because Nixon came from a more normal family? I don’t know. Trump is the greatest embarrassment this country has know since Jefferson Davis.

    • I’m going to have to review Jefferson Davis. I didn’t think anybody came close. I thought Dubya was a dummy. He was Thomas Jefferson compared to Trump.

      • When it comes to embarrassments I still put Bush 43 up there on the short list. Interestingly enough his wife, former first lady Barbara Bush is a distant descendant of Franklin Pierce who has been widely regarded (including by actual, real historians) as one of our worst two or three Presidents. He’s also the only President (a real one – West Wing’s Jeb Bartlett was alas a fictional character) from New Hampshire and the Bush family has it’s own strong connections in that small state (where everyone who was anyone knew each other well) aside from the Pierce family. Pierce strongly opposed the abolitionists of his era, and post Presidency and Civil War actually lobbied (successfully btw) for better treatment of Jefferson Davis in prison.

        • Um, just to correct a point Denis: Bush 43’s wife was LAURA Bush; his MOTHER was Barbara. (Barbara Bush was Bush 41’s wife.)

      • Jefferson Davis DOES come up to Trump’s standards of inept. As the Civil War went on, he leaned heavier and heavier on the rhetoric. His leadership skills were way unsuited for the task. He could barely keep order anywhere there wasn’t fighting (Georgia threatening to secede from the Confederacy being a prominent example) and tried fleeing the country when the war was lost. He cared more than Trump–if you were white–but that’s about the only point in his favor.

    • Well, Nixon was also a “professional” politician unlike Trump. He graduated from law school and was a practicing attorney before WW2 and, during the war, he served in the Navy (albeit, largely in administrative functions). He was recruited to run for Congress in 1946 and then basically remained in politics until his, um, “forced retirement” (serving in the House until 1951 when he entered the Senate, then becoming Vice-President in 1953; he ran for Governor of California in 1962, but after losing, he largely stepped back out of the spotlight–although he remained an active campaigner for GOP candidates in 1964 and 1966 which helped when he ran for President in 1968).

      • Nixon was intelligent and knowledgable about how government worked. He just had some huge personality flaws that ended up bring him down, such as paranoia and suspiciousness.

  2. Thank you, Ursula for sharing these. I am really starting to like these people behind the Meidas Touch videos. They seem to stand up for all things right, even better than the Lincoln Project.


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