Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall in federal Judge Tanya Chutkan’s courtroom tomorrow. This hearing is supposed to be about Traitor Tot’s flagrant violations of conduct on the terms of his release, by threatening everybody but Mother Theresa, who is dead. The purpose of the hearing is supposed to be to hammer out the details of a possible protective order by the court to allow the prosecution to begin the discovery process.

I’m sure that’s on the top of the agenda tomorrow when judge Chutkan gavels court into session, but I think it’s highly likely that the hearing is going to go off the rails after that. Because once again Jack Smith is making the Trump legal dogs breakfast look like ass clowns by launching yet another preemptive strike.

In a letter to Judge Chutkan today, Smith laid out his preferred trial schedule for the upcoming trial. Exploding Trump legal beagle heads to follow. Smith wants to use October and November for evidentiary, challenge and pre trial motions, use the 2nd half of December for voir dire to empanel a jury, and to start the trial on January 2nd, 2024. Smith estimates for the court that the trial will take 4-6 weeks.

This is going to drive the Trump defense team berserk. Their whole strategy is to delay, delay, delay for as long as possible, while El Pendejo Presidente runs around screaming about being muzzled by the Biden DOJ, or even worse yet, The weaponized Biden DOJ is engaging in unheard of Election interference! Unfortunately for Trump’s ambulance chasers, Jack Smith didn’t graduate from law school yesterday.

In his letter to to court, Smith pointed out the high public interest in the speedy trial. Smith points out that starting the trial at that early date will allow it to conclude well before the GOP Super Tuesday primaries, and allow GOP voters to know going into the voting booth whether the man they’re planning on voting for is an exonerated defendant, or a convicted federal felon. 

Man! Talk about being hoist on your own petard. Trump is running around screaming about election interference, and Smith comes back in a legal filing and basically says, OK Big Boy! January 2nd, put up those dukes and let’s see who’s got game! And since FUX News won’t be able to resist reporting on the letter, if for no better reason than to try to discredit it by ballyhooing how Smith is trying to rob Trump of a fair trial, the Trumplets will know of the projected date. And some of them will wonder why an innocent Trump is bitching about something 4 1/2 months away?

This isn’t even a fair fight, which I’ll have more to say about in my next article. But it’s especially bad for Trump in this fight, since this time he’s facing a judge who is both seasoned and experienced, and who has shot down his lawyers requests for delays in hearings and filings three times now. And she hasn’t even held a hearing with both sides in court yet! This just keeps getting better and better.

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  1. There’s a reason we tell children to stay away from dangers like fire, traffic, snakes, and Republicans. Baby huey likes to stare at the sun during a solar eclipse. I expect him to act like he’s the one in charge instead of the judge. I wonder how loud will he’ll scream when he finds out there’s an electric shock in that outlet.



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