“All I want for Christmas is a fully strapped geriatric ignoramus roaming the mountains outside Coeur d’Alene, Idaho” said no sane person ever, so it is unclear why the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee from north Idaho near Spokane, Washington thought a Christmas greeting depicting the dotard cosplaying Rocky would spark anything but derision on Twitter. But they are idiot cult members, so that might partially explain why they subjected themselves to ridicule like this:


I don’t.

Um… I’m gonna pick option two. Lock him up!


Mental illness?

💯 💯 💯


Only if you are MAGA.


Rhetorical question, I assume.


“Build that wall!”



I don’t know what is in the water up in Northeast Idaho, but clearly the rest of the nation needs to be protected from it…

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  1. “so it is unclear why the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee from northeast Idaho near Spokane, Washington . . . .”

    Dino, have you looked at a map of Idaho? There’s not much room for a “northeast” part of the state. If there were, it certainly wouldn’t be near Spokane since Washington lies on Idaho’s WESTERN border.

  2. Maybe there should be a modern repeat of the old legend of the side of a mountain collapsing down on the Kootenai tribe wiping out their encampment. Only these asshats would be wiped out, buried under tons of rubble.

  3. Who’s he hunting? That fat socialist, dressed in communist red, giving away FREE toys to the good boys and girls? Is he mad because he didn’t even make the naughty list? He’s on the shit list with indictments for Christmas and trouble up his giant ass for the new year! Where’s a goddamn avalanche when you need one?



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