If there is any doubt in your mind that Nikki Haley has no scruples, she just goes along with the strong man of the moment, for power’s sake, then this next bit should eradicate all question. Nikki Haley loves authoritarians. She loves authoritarians who claim that they’ve been cheated out of an election. And no, we’re not talking about Donald Trump, at least not solely, we’re talking about Benjamin Netanyahu.

Maybe she’s going to stay over there and visit Russia next. Who knows? This is embarrassing for the United States, but then again, everyone knows Haley is in Trump’s pocket, so whatever she does should not be that surprising.


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    • Ah, he’s playacting. His likely next stop from here is prison, let us remember. He thinks he’ll score some points on his way out by being defiant. But we already know the end of this movie…to wit, bye bye, Bibi.

  1. Her knees must be pretty thick with tough skin given how much time she spends on them in front of her boys in the band. I hear the fat boy under a bad haircut in N Korea wants some of that action.

  2. He’s playing tRump’s game, seeing it’s worked to some degree for iDJit, and no doubt it won’t stop there. Nikki says we haven’t heard the last from Bobo. Too bad this isn’t the last we’ll hear from her. What a suck up she turned into.


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