I love the smell of conspiracy theory in the morning, it smells like bull$hit covered in Chanel No. 5. The last chapter in the saga of Lauren Boebert’s career killing night at the theater had Bobo breaking up with her date, Quinn Gallagher, an Aspen bar owner who hosts LGBTQ-friendly events. Bobo vowed to “check party affiliations” in the future. I find it incredible to believe that she actually started dating some guy and didn’t know something basic like his politics, considering the fact that she’s a controversial political figure. In any event, I’m not the only one to find that odd. Somebody else did and cobbled together a conspiracy theory based on that fact.

Poor Bobo. Somebody else got her drunk. Did he pry her jaws open and pour booze in, or what exactly?

Now I think we should expand this conspiracy theory. How about there’s a plot to impregnate the likes of Bobo and Marge so that they give birth to little Democrats, who will then grow up to vote them and their kind clean out of office? I believe I’ll send George Soros a letter this very day and see if he’ll help us along with that.

On a non conspiracy theory level, Salon has an interesting piece up about how this incident last week was Boebert sowing wild oats that she never got to sow because she was robbed of her youth. It’s an interesting take. The author, Amanda Marcotte, sees this night at the theater as Bobo’s “drunken prom night” that she never had. Boebert did meet her husband when she was 16 and he was 22. He impregnated her a year later and they married and she gave birth to her first child at age 18 — a performance to which the child has done an encore. He became a father at 18 himself. Pardon us for not saying bravo.

Point being, yes, if Boebert had been with this one guy since high school and all she knows at age 36 is being tied down to domesticity, then that might explain this behavior, at least in part. But I would point out that those of us who did not get married young like that and who did have our childhoods, young adulthoods, college, all that, still do not badly misbehave in public like she did.

Bobo’s behavior was not the result of a repressed lifestyle so much as it was an expression of entitlement and self importance. I don’t see that as an outworking of age, I see that as her being drunk with power and way in over her head. She lacks the maturity to deal with the station in life in which she finds herself and so she will lose that station. At least hopefully, if her constituents are to get any real representation in congress.

What’s insulting here is that a lot of women do become the victims of date rape, are drugged, etc., but here what we have seen on video is Boebert and her companion both fully participating in making a theater seat into a love nest. If they were 16 and the theater was empty and they were off stuck in the balcony, I could see that. But not in a packed 3,000 seat theater. The New Republic:

Boebert’s comment about checking party affiliation seems to imply that she had not known the man for very long—and TMZ inferred that the night in question was Boebert’s first date with him. The man has been identified as Aspen, Colorado, bar owner Quinn Gallagher. Gallagher is believed to be a Democrat, and the bar he co-owns has hosted multiple LGBTQ-friendly events, including a drag show. Boebert, meanwhile, has repeatedly pushed the false and dangerous Republican conspiracy theory that drag queens are grooming children.

If all of this is true, then we have some questions.

  1. This was their first date? They seemed very comfortable with each other.

  2. Does Boebert vape near (and then tell off) pregnant women on all of her first dates?

  3. How did their politics not come up beforehand?

  4. If Gallagher’s a Democrat, why would he go on a date with Boebert?

  5. And why would she go on a date with him?

This story is midway through week two and it keeps getting nuttier and nuttier.

We need to fly high on something. The news is in the gutter and it would be nice to at least get to the sidewalk. And here’s none other than Matt Schlapp to let you know how good Xian Republicans are being targeted.

Nobody is accusing Tim Scott of any misconduct, last I knew. There’s just curiosity over his invisible girlfriend. Not that we expect Schlapp to make sense, just saying.

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  1. If you base drunken behavior on what exits that mouth of hers, she’s drunk much of her waking hours.

    Being drunk, if that is what she was, and jacking someone off, is still jacking someone off. There is no c.t. that fool can possibly create that erases that video footage.

    Here’s the thing though: what on earth is the problem? It isn’t as if she’s finger-banging some woman. She’s showing her desires (in the wrong venue but hey) as a heterosexual. BFD. Yes, the xtians she hangs with want nothing to do with her-natch-but last time I looked sexual activity with the opposite sex was what they encourage.

    Nail her for her rampant hypocrisy but that’s par for the course with xtians.

  2. Note to boo hoo, the bispeckled lap dancer…you don’t defend yourself from sexual assault by grabbing the man’s penis. Both the man, and his penis will read that as an express lane to the holy of holies. Of course, maybe you should have discouraged the tittie massage to start with. Another red cape waved in front of the bull.

    • I think what’s going on here is an attempt to paint Boebert as innocent and corrupted by the Evil Democrat. I wonder what they would be saying if the guy was another MAGA?

      • Me too. If there is one thing the likes of Bobo, Kooky Pants and former guy never do is STFU. To tell those fools to “keep speaking” is akin to telling my dog not to gut his squeaky toys-pretty darn silly. They, like my dog, are gonna do what they’re gonna do.


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