What you’re about to see was unearthed back in 2017, then again in 2019, when it went viral. It’s from a show, Trackdown, that ran for two years in the late 50s. Robert Culp was the star, years before he became famous in I Spy. Trackdown was about a Texas Ranger named Hoby Gilman, played by Culp. Gilman encounters a conman by the name of Walter Trump. Mr. Trump wants to build a wall to keep the “end of the world” from happening — and that’s the title of the episode.

It was speculated in 2019 that Donald Trump may have watched the show as a boy and since he gets all of his ideas from television, maybe that’s where he got the idea to build the wall on the southern border. Certainly anything is possible.

The similarities between the two Trumps will blow your mind. The clip runs 22:58. This is a must see, if you didn’t catch it a few years ago when it hit mainstream news, carve out the time to watch it now, because this is an unforgettable experience. I promise.

Robert Culp was unfortunately gone by the time Trump ran for office. It’s a shame. I would have loved to have heard his take on this episode and on “our” conman Trump.

A spokesperson for Chicago network MeTV, which airs “Trackdown” reruns, confirmed to Snopes that the episode is real. How utterly fascinating that the writer, in naming his conman, decided on the name Trump. It is a name I never heard before. I knew the word from a bridge term and I knew that trump meant supersede, that kind of thing, but I never knew it was a family name until you know who came down the escalator. Then a friend in New York City clued me in to what he knew.

At that point I had never heard the phrase, “all hat no cattle” but it certainly is a good descriptor of both the Trump we unfortunately know and the character in this show.

The truth is stranger than fiction. If we’ve lived to see one truism prove itself in our time, that is the truism. You cannot make this stuff up.


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  1. Loved it Ursula, thank you. An amazing analogy. Now if only the people who need to see it would and have the nous to see the irony!

    • Isn’t it amazing? I had my mouth open when I first saw it and seeing it again gave me the same reaction. Too bad there was never one straight thinker like Ranger Gilman, who could have nipped our Trump in the bud. But we have a number of Ranger Gilmans now!

  2. Well, Trump’s ancestral family name is Drumpf. When his grandad (I think his first name was Friedrich) tried to slink back into his home country having run away to AVOID military service the authorities got wind he was back. And the King authorized a “get the f**k out and don’t EVER come back or we’ll throw your sorry butt in prison” order so the dude came slinking back over here to try another shot. He’d decide his name needed to be Anglecized and given their were positive connotations to the word trump (as you note particular in card games and the concept spread & it had become something positive outside of cards) the similarity to Drumpf was obvious enough so he changed it.

    I hope someday another word is chosen to replace trump (the non person/political one) and becomes part of the lexicon and that the word trump, as in “trump card” or “trumped it” etc. is no longer used. And in fact is viewed in disgust and disdain.

  3. I heard the “all hat, no cattle” way back in the 80s on Dallas. Anne Richards used it to describe Ruby’s as a,phony Texan good old’ boy when he was actually the scion of a political.family who went to.Yale and Harvard(albeit as alegac;it’s law school.wouldn’t accept him.because, frankly, he isn’t very bright).
    And I lived in NYC in the early 80s and he was pretty universally loathed. I.was approached by modeling scouts and turned them down because you were expected to “accommodate” VIPs. And my greatest assets were a pair of large breasts with no sag–and,I prefer jobs where my clothes,stay on.

    • TRACKDOWN” predicts the corruption of the government. ln addition, “THE OMEN”, from the 1970s is a movie in which a diplomatic couple adopts the son of the devil. The child has “666” the devil sign on his scalp. He is groomed to become the corrupt president of the united states


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