Mueller Must Move Now, Hard. We Are Out of Time.


Republicans are talking about the importance of nominating a justice that assuages Sens. Collins and Murkowski, the two women to whom the Democrats most often point when looking for allies against a nominee that will reverse Roe, among other wrought and wreck. I am not at all sure what they’re worried about, have you ever seen the Republicans split in their march to authoritarianism? Oh, there were so many “never Trumpers” until it came time to cut taxes. But, apparently tax breaks were not the end-all-be-all we thought.

Whoever is in charge believes is time to rope-in the fascist social-conservative support for a lifetime.

The Republicans have given lip-service to overturning Roe for decades, and yet would never make it a priority when it came up against cold, hard, financial priorities. But, now, Republicans see that they make up 40% to maybe 44% of the country, period – that’s them. It is always dicey governing a democracy as a minority, but they have done it, and will continue to solidify their gains.

When you govern as a minority, suddenly those things you could conveniently “forget” about, the “social conservative” values that mattered to voters but not your campaign donors, those things do start to matter and you must deliver.

Therefore, Collins and Murkowski are “in” for whomever it is Trump nominates. The nominee will be a very-well qualified, shockingly conservative, white man, likely Brett Kavanaugh, as I wrote earlier. The trouble with Kavanaugh is that he not only believes in overturning Roe v. Wade, he believes that investigating and prosecuting a president in office is unconstitutional. We know that. 

What was it that Trump asked Comey for when the two first met? Loyalty? Trump is about to start “interviewing” nominees, soon. Justices are famous for keeping their damn mouths shut, you don’t suppose the “loyalty” – type of questions could come up, do you? Especially when we’re talking about what was considered the “swing” vote?

That’s a conflict, and when has Trump ever shied away from a conflict if it benefited, him? Ever? He never has, he’s run toward conflicts so long as he gains.

That’s why I am calling on Mueller to move now. He must move with what he has, not with what he wishes he had. Until now, I believed that Mueller should move when he had his case stitched together so tightly that no one could wiggle free. Now, Trump is about to nominate a critical 5th justice who doesn’t believe in having a case, never mind whether it is locked shut or not.

Mueller must move now in a way that shakes up Trump’s legitimacy. For the sake of the process, for the sake of not having a man who lost the election itself by 3 million votes overturning basic women’s rights for their lifetimes, for the blessed MIDDLE of the political road, for immigrant kids kidnapped in our name, for the American electorate not influenced by Putin, Mueller must move and move fast.

Mueller surely has key evidence that would shake the foundation of this president’s already shaky legitimacy. He must present it now. He must present it before any more kids are ripped out of parents’ arms, he must present it before another Alito or Gorsuch occupies the Court, he must do it before Trump goes to meet with Putin to plan on how they will steal the mid-terms. He must do it now, this week.

We are out of time. I honestly believe we are out of time.

It must be this week, Mr. Mueller.


***Twitter has become a very powerful tool for me and this site, to spread our message, I’d be honored if you followed me. We are gathering a pretty good group. @MiciakZoom

Oh, and I am putting out my sequel soon enough, so anyone interested in my novels, they can be found here. Light-sci-fi, with a Huck Finn touch about a college kid alien abductee, who teams up with some good aliens, and a Jesuit Pope, to  …


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