I wonder what it’s like to be a three-year-old in today’s America? If you live in a home where Fox News is blaring, or if you have parents who listen to Rumble videos, the word war, war, war, has to be a basic one in your vocabulary.

I can only assume that the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump are touting their version of wars past and future, because they have nothing to say about the actual war on this planet, Russia aggressing against Ukraine.

It has to be something like that, that they, too, need to sound like experts on war. All they do sound like is bloody, braying fools. Here’s Marge. Why Hannity is airing this or McCarthy allowing it, I haven’t the vaguest idea.

Maybe that’s it, Marge is not of this world. You’ll get no argument from me.

And then there’s Trump. He’s still pushing his WWIII, the end is nigh, bad tidings. This has been going on for about a week now.

What is his rationale? That he and he alone can save us? He does say, once again in the clip you’re about to see, that peace could be brought to Ukraine within 24 hours. Probably 24 minutes, if Presidents Biden and Zelensky decided Ukraine should surrender and fat chance of that. Hit the link below and listen to four minutes of Trump talking but saying nothing on the topic of WWIII.

I do find amusement that Trump is still running with this topic, because it is not making a lot of waves. People are tuning this particular Trump crusade out. He would do better to go back to horse faced women and Mexican rapists, he has more of an audience for that material.

So what are we doing here, friends, we’re going to have Civil War II and WWIII, and they’re starting the same week?

This is jumping the shark. This is going nowhere fast.

However, Mitt Romney did chime in. Yes, Sir, he did. Mittens called MTG “loony.” I believe that was Mitch McConnell’s descriptor as well. Deseret News:

Sen. Mitt Romney on Tuesday firmly denounced Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s recent call for a “national divorce,” harkening back on what happened in the U.S. during the Civil War.

“You know, I think Abraham Lincoln dealt with that kind of insanity,” the Utah Republican told reporters during a brief press availability during his visit with lawmakers at the Utah Capitol in Salt Lake City.

“We’re not going to divide the country. It’s united we stand, divided we fall,” Romney said.

“Look, there’s no question, but there are some people in my party and in the other party that say things to try to get a headline and get people to send them money, and that happens to lead in today’s loony left,” Romney said, before adding, “I should say loony right.”

And the governor of Utah, Spencer Cox, is not nuts about Marge, either.

Marge is not making friends in her own party and she’s not doing that party any good.

And wheeeere’s Kevin? Anybody seen Kevin lately? You would think that McCarthy would be around to slap a lid on caucus members beating the war drums on Fox News, at the very least. You would think.


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  1. Wow. Romney weighed in and called them a name – “looney.” I’m sure THAT will do the trick and that they’ll STFU and behave! Perhaps he needs to team up with Susan Collins so they can do a one-two punch: Romney calls them looney and Collins does her signature “furrowed brow” and says she’s deeply troubled by their comments. Now THAT will surely do the trick! Of course locating Collins and convincing her to come out of hiding in the Witness Protection Program will be a challenge. And she’s plenty busy offering prayers of thanks and animal sacrifices that she was safely re-elected in 2020 instead of having to run last November. Had that been the case she’d be at the bottom of the harbor in Portland Maine weighted down by an aircraft carrier sized anchor – with Kavanaugh painted on one side and Roe v Wade on the other!

  2. What’s their game? Simple. You can more easily get stupid people to give away their freedoms to autocrats, REAL Nazis, if you scare the crap out of them. That’s the whole reason for the chaos and destruction. Scare them shitless so they will BEG you to enslave them under a strongman regime. Promise them you will hate those sinners and moral degenerates they hate then screw everyone once in power. The entire GQP has been doing it since Uncle Ronnie began raping the country.

  3. If this country were to get into another civil war, our enemies would step in and institute some land-grabs in less time than it takes for a gnat to flap its wings. Hell, maybe not even our enemies: Mexico would probably like TX (although why I’ll never know), NM, AZ and southern CA. Not sure if Canada wants loonies from ND, MT, and ID but those countries would likely be easy pickings. Oh, and let’s not forget putie pie: I’m pretty sure the propaganda war he is waging in our country is partially at least so that he can get AK back for Russia.

    That these two morons are speaking FOR civil war is hardly surprising and in fact is barely even news. More asininity spewing from their sewer-like mouths.

  4. Nobody (especially “Empty” Green) cares what Mittens thinks.
    She’s an attention whore and her bovine by-product is getting her the intended result,
    her ugly mug on television and in news blogs nationwide.

  5. Ok, I gotta ask because I am HONESTLY confused. WHY is everyone so against the idea of splitting the US between Red and Blue states?? Why?? Frankly, and we all know I’m NOT an American, the sane people (primarily in blue States) have the vast majority of the money and economic activity, and the bat-crap lunatics (you know, primarily, but not solely Red States) for the most part have far less economic activity. Yes, we would still be stuck with Boebert, but for the most part (Warnock Ossof notwithstanding) we’d be rid of MTG (unless we divided Georgia along lines of the two cities stay Blue and the rest of the State can stay bat-crap bonkers with MTG). I realize what resulted after dividing everything up would look like a dog’s breakfast and it will take 20 years to do this, but I don’t see Red and Bluer’s coming together for far longer than that. AND, and this is important, since a significantly higher proportion of economic activity is in blue ish states, environmental repair and the like would be more effective than Red States where they don’t even see there’s a problem. So I truly apologize for my ignorance, but WHAT is really the problem with splitting up the country when to me it is so obvious that the USA simply doesn’t work anymore like it COULD. I truly believe that the Blue States on their own, freed from the insanity of the Reds (not to mention the most homicidally sociopathetic terrorist organization ever – the NRA) will genuinely THRIVE!!!! So to all of you Americans who are going ballistic over MTG the past 48 hours, please tell this ignorant foreigner what it is I don’t understand. Thank you very much. (And no Spike, we DON’T want the looney’s from those northern western States. In fact comedy shows on CBC when Trump came to power had skits like “Fuck Mexico, WE’lll build the way and WE’ll gladly pay for it!!!)

  6. Someone should point out to the idiots that if the assorted red states want to pull out, then they have to financially support themselves – no external funding coming courtesy of blue states (which they depend on).

  7. Imagine falling down a rabbit hole and waking up in a land where the green queen is off her hat and the loudest voice calling for a civil war, sits on the over sight committee for HOMELAND SECURITY!!!!! Lewis Carrol couldn’t write this stuff? Reality on a roller coaster. Oh Kevin, Kevin, Kevin What hath God wrought?

    • Pretty amazing that this thing called marjorie Traitor greene is still in congress. Then it gets even more wtf? when you realize she sits on the Homeland Security committee! How does that work? How do you take an oath to preserve, protect and defend our country, and sit on this committee while advocating the dissolution of our country – an act that would surely lead to civil war. Yeah, we’ve fallen down the rabbit hole alright. And the traitors at Faux not only give her airtime, but pukeface hannity commiserates with her. I don’t think it’s a stretch at all to say they’re harming the public good and I truly hope Dominion brings them to their knees!


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