Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has built a political career disrespecting the views of the majority of Americans who favor stronger gun control, who support the right of women to manage their pregnancies or worship a God other than the deity of evangelical loons, who stalked, mocked and otherwise harassed gun control advocate David Hogg as he quietly went about his business in Washington D.C. and who cat-called the President of The United States, shouting “liar” as he delivered his State of The Union speech, is crying on Twitter about the lack of “respect” she was shown by a woman at a restaurant.

You simply could not make this shit up, people.

New York Post on MSN

“Firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) claims she was “attacked” Monday night by an “insane woman and yelled at by her son inside a restaurant…

… “I was attacked in a restaurant tonight by an insane women and screamed at by her adult son,” Greene said.

“They had no respect for the restaurant or the staff or the other people dining or people like me who simply have different political views. They are self righteous, insane, and completely out of control,” she added.

According to Greene, she was at a table working with members of her staff and didn’t notice the alleged attacker and shouter until “they turned into demons.””

I apologize about using the New York Post as a source as they are the only ones with a story about this at this early hour.

And I apologize about the poor editorial choice they made, calling Greene a “firebrand”.

“Insurrectionist”, “secessionist” or “traitor” would have better suited, but I suppose their editors would disagree.

I respect their right to do so, BTW.

Anyway, here is Marj, with some responses:

Apparently you have to click the link to get the full tweet, her message in full reads as:

I was attacked in a restaurant tonight by an insane women and screamed at by her adult son.

They had no respect for the restaurant or the staff or the other people dining or people like me who simply have different political views.

They are self righteous, insane, and completely out of control.

I was sitting at my table, working with my staff, and never even noticed these people until they turned into demons.

People used to respect others even if they had different views.

But not anymore.

Our country is gone.”

If the woman physically assaulted her, that would definitely be wrong, but somehow, I don’t think that happened.

And now for the promised responses:

Yes, that would be her, Matiq, the one with her prodigious mouth wide open.




I do.


I think we know how she would respond, Bob, disrespect only happens to them.

Sure is.

If you plan on dining out in Washington D.C. or any other of the east coast cities, Marj, might I suggest you just stay home with your Cavewoman Helper or whatever it is you whip up at home.

Or just return to Bugtustle, Ga. Or wherever when you feel the urge to go out…

Maybe you’ll get some respect there.

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    • Well, it’s not common practice for reptiles to hang around to teach their offspring anything. Mama reptile lays her eggs and when they hatch, she pretty much leaves them to fend for themselves. (A few species hang around and guard the brood but most tend to split after laying the eggs.)

    • Their preachers tell them it is just fine to be an asshole the size of the Grand Canyon as long as the other person isn’t an evangelical Christian.

  1. Poor ole Irony gets dragged from the grave for another stomping. Sigh…

    As for Margie’s good ole home cooking, this are the two main staples she serves up: Road Kill Helper, and when she’s really in a hurry she nukes a can of Fish Assholes in the microwave! (Sorry, couldn’t get the pic of the Road Kill Helper box to upload


  2. Karma’s a real bitch, bitch.

    Seems to me like when one is actually “attacked”, law enforcement can be called in and arrests will be forthcoming. I am not seeing that. “Attacked” might be a bit of hyperbole perhaps?

  3. I do like her version of ‘christian’ morality. I deliberately used lower cas there as her version os a perversion.

    Did she ever read her bye-bull where it says ” whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (maybe she doesn’t think that applies to her as she isn’t a man, but St Paul also said, basically, women should just keep quiet. I’m not saying I agree with him but he did say it)

    • ‘maybe she doesn’t think that applies to her as she isn’t a man’–some of us have questions about that. Regardless, what goes around, comes around, Madge. When you go around being an unpleasant braying jackass, harassing and insulting others, you’re bound to get some of your own served back to you. More of this, please.

  4. We’ve had some lowly acting politicians, but I believe she may take the cake. She’s about as classy as an ape in a zoo, and I’m so glad someone turned the tables on the braying jackass, as someone above, called her. That’s dead on, and an apt name for her. She was sooo obnoxious to David Hogg, she deserves many more people to do the same to her. Turn about is fair play.

  5. Well yeah. She can go around chasing people and it’s alright. Like when she chased the boy from the school shooting which at the time he was still a child. She’s lucky the boys dad didn’t get involved because he’s an FBI agent. Getalife marj.

  6. Founding member of nutjobs R us! What do you expect? It’s the people that elected her and continue to do so that concerns me.


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