It’s said that the world is getting smaller and that technology is primarily responsible for that. This is not a new concept, this is many decades old.

But when you start to think that the red-hatted, gun-toting MAGA next door sounds virtually identical to the richest man in the world, a dictator who got to that pinnacle by stealing, and who is now aggressing on neighboring Ukraine to add it to this collection of spoils, then it’s a wakeup call.

Yes, Vladimir Putin is spewing MAGA talking points. Or, alternatively, MAGA is spewing Putin talking points. That is plausible as well.

The issue is not the transgenders. They are a tiny community of people, a fraction of a percentage of the population. Their utility is in being a subject which is a solid talking point, because they represent conflict and the Other. They are easy to demonize. That’s the point, demonization of the Other, is a central tenet of fascism.

The tremendous irony is that the party of family values, the pro-life folks, are simply just fine with the wholesale slaughter of Ukrainians.

That is not the CPAC of yore, when conservative intellectuals would gather and discuss the finer points of conservative philosophy and their best writers would publish about it and make a contribution to civil discourse. HA! Color those days gone! The only place you’ll find that kind of Republican thinking today is in the rear view mirror.

This is noteworthy. You just heard Comrade Putin talk about Satanism. Here’s a link to GOPers casting none other than Joe Biden in the role.

Remember a month ago, when Uncle Joe was speaking in Philadelphia and he had a red-lit backdrop? That got the Satanist ball rolling.

It’s pretty evident who has succeeded Donald Trump as Fox News’ viewer in chief. Vladimir Putin. This isn’t freedom of speech. This is fascist indoctrination going out on the airwaves daily in the guise of a bastardized form of conservatism called MAGA.

We are in trouble plenty. As I’ve said before, I think a chyron at the bottom stating that these “opinion” shows are meant as entertainment and these “commentators” such as Tucker Carlson are merely shock jocks and entertainers, would go a long way.

Or maybe it’s too late for that. I honestly don’t know.

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