I guess America needs a batty uncle. In any event, we’ve got Mike Lindell and he has taken on that role in our lives. We all watch him, enjoying the laugh du jour but feeling somewhat guilty that we don’t get him off the streets before he hurts himself or others. And the fact is, he is hurting others. His quixotic crusade, while it is comical in its hopelessness and lack of grasp of the issue is nevertheless undermining faith in the elections process, which is the cornerstone of democracy.

You can’t tell this to the man. He ludicrously counters that if the situation was reversed and “evidence” of a stolen election by the Republicans had been presented to him instead, he would be doing the same thing. Nobody believes that for a second and its amazing that he can even say it with a straight fact. Lindell maintains that this isn’t about Donald Trump. That’s how deep this mental illness goes with him. Lindell is the living personification of that lyric from the Doobie Brothers song, “What a fool believes, he sees.”

Lindell sees vast dark enterprises at work in the scrolling of his beloved packet captures, even while the people who make their living in that field tell him he’s looking at voting data from Pennsylvania or random information about clothing manufacturers. Lindell is the well heeled sheep that the wolves have fleeced. The great irony of all this is that he blames the media — and this outlet and me, specifically, don’t lose sight of that fact — for pointing out the obvious, that he’s.got.nothing. We are the enemy, not Steve Bannon or Brannon Howse or anybody who has him on their show for shits and giggles and to get ratings.

Jimmy Kimmel played it straight with him. He told Lindell he was worried about him and he asked, “Why is the only person who knows about this huge conspiracy a pillow manufacturer?” That’s where the conversation always collapses. On some level it makes sense to Lindell, and that’s where you get into his faux-Christian grandiosity and then all is lost.

All that said, here is Lindell’s current fantasy.

What this is, is a textbook example of the evils of Trumpism. Donald Trump convinced people that he could do an end run around all existing systems and institutions of our government and accomplish miracles. He could not. He did not. He was the biggest saboteur of democracy that has ever held elective office, much less at that level. But he got an idea rolling, the deadly idea that you don’t need to know anything to effect change, you just need to bluster loudly and long enough until you get your way and then by some magic it will appear.

Trump has avoided consequences his entire life, although it looks like there’s a change to that paradigm coming soon. Lindell has already faced consequences to his business with this mad quest, but he seems hell bent to pursue it to the bitter end.

The question then becomes, what is his bitter end? What will be a low enough bottom for him to hit before he has a moment of clarity, like he did with the crack and realizes he’s being used and to his own detriment? Does he have to run himself out of business, altogether? Or get financially destroyed by Dominion and/or Smartmatic? What will it take?

Only he knows. The rest of us are sitting here on the sidelines watching the show. And it is entertaining political theater, of that there is no question. And maybe that’s Lindell’s payoff. Maybe, like Norma Desmond, he is basking in the adulation of “all those wonderful people, out there in the dark” and the need for the audience and the attention becomes the impetus to keep going, not the purported stolen election itself.

And a big reason that Lindell has the audience is because while everybody knows how the story ends already, with zero change to the status quo, everybody wants to know how the protagonist of the drama is going to take it. We’re all waiting either for a crack up or an epiphany on Lindell’s part.

Maybe we should get the count down clocks running. It won’t be long now.


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  1. It IS possible, that a person who makes and sells pillows, COULD HAVE A, “crack up or an epiphany”, but being SO intent on every wild and freaky stated plan or promise, makes me believe a full blown, tied to a 2-wheel hand truck, like everybody’s favorite cannibal in ‘Silence of the Lambs’, would be the resultant, “Fix”, for his lunacy …

    His entertainment value is taking a serious dip below normal sanity and I’m sure his fortune is beginning a slide to eventual poverty and unpaid bills …

    • Not really as the whole thing was meant to be about Trump and only about Trump. Trump doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone who isn’t Donald Trump or who doesn’t feed Donald Trump’s ego. Trump didn’t care about all the down-ballot GOPers who won their race (whether they actively/openly supported him or not) because HE didn’t win in the process. Even if he’d supported the GOPer, their win didn’t mean squat since he didn’t win. And the same largely applied if they lost in a state that Trump otherwise won; they were irrelevant to him since HE won. (And, if Trump hadn’t gone out of his way to attack the electoral process in Georgia in January and talked up how all good GOPers needed to get out and vote–instead of talking about how the voting process had been corrupt and the election officials were all corrupt–he might’ve seen the GOP candidates win. But, again, THAT really wouldn’t matter to Trump since HE didn’t win in November.)

  2. “…but he seems hell bent to pursue it to the bitter end.
    The question then becomes, what is his bitter end?”

    I don’t know enough about cult psychology but I think he’ll go on believing it should’ve happened but for [fill in the excuse, eg ‘deep state prevented it happening’]. Unless there’s an intervention such as deprogramming, I think he’ll take it to his death bed.

    “…the need for the audience and the attention becomes the impetus to keep going, not the purported stolen election itself.”

    I hadn’t thought of it in this way but I think you hit the bull’s eye. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle. His beliefs create a platform for public attention and the massive ego-stroking of public attention rewards his beliefs so he doubles down and triples down and so on, round and around.

  3. Unfortunately, there could also another devious reason. He is getting a lot of pleasure messing with Biden’s Presidency. He hates him with blind rage and is determined to overshadow any Biden coverage. I guarantee he will keep this sh*t going for the entire 4 years, or until death shall deliver us from this insanity. The sooner, the better, and I have never wished that on anybody till now.

  4. I suspect this nonsense of Pillow Man’s is a last ditch effort to probably save his pillow biz. His pillows are apparently not very good-got a crap rating in Consumer Reports. I doubt he gets one hell of a lot of return business. This adulation of mango man keeps him in the spotlight and maybe gets a few of trump’s base to say “hey, this guy is really behind trump, maybe I’ll try one of his pillows (or retry one)”. The one thing, and only thing, I’ve ever heard from anybody about his pillows is they’re not any good or worst night sleep ever. And then only from a couple of people because people I know can purchase quality pillows….for a lot less. lol

    • You raise an interesting point. I can recall sometimes seeing this dude’s commercials with him hawking his pillows. The one’s I’ve bought at local stores that carried home stuff have been less expensive and supported my head & neck just fine. However, with this wacko and other such pitchmen is entertaining in a weird sort of way. It’s just one of those things one sometimes sees on cable and satellite. But thinking about it, it’s been a long, LONG time since I’ve seen one of his commercials. Of course I spend little time watching Fox and sure as hell not their evening lineup or the coach potatoes of Fox & Friends. I’m content to see clips provided by those who do, who post the worst of their idiocy.

      It might have been by being a slick salesman of an overpriced product but Lindell did manage to make himself a tidy sum, and set up an ad presence that did a pretty good job of pulling in new suckers each year. However, he has to have been shelling out a LOT of money in the past year, not just directly with his direct “Trump wuz robbed” bullshit but propping up certain Fox shows that were losing advertisers left and right.

      Add that in with Trump making his own direct fundraising appeals, and my guess is that a lot of the money that people (MAGAts) would have spent supporting his pillow business and by extension his efforts to help Trump started sending it directly to Trump!

      Perhaps his CFO found him in a moment where he was semi-lucid and show him the numbers on how bad the financial bleeding was. That he was LOSING money hand over fist propping up Fox host’s shows, and since he’d had to cut advertising that used to be almost a staple of late night TV on cable and satellite systems the Fox audience was all he had left. And Fox decided it would in the long run cost them more to air his “THIS time we’ve got the goods” “documentaries” than to risk him having a hissy fit and pulling his advertising. Hell, some of their advertisers (and a few former ones) might have delivered ultimatums of their own – dump this guy or WE are gone. And Fox is surely looking at how to put together some type of settlement for lawsuits in which they are clearly on defense. Even if the plaintiffs demand their day in court, it’s possible Fox wants to argue that they “saw the light” of truth and goodness and should never have aired this guy’s bullshit or taken his money. A clean, public “divorce” is something their lawyers could wave around while making a groveling mea culpa so the jury wouldn’t whack them too badly.

      As I’ve written this, I’ve started to wonder if my initial thought that Lindell was confronted by an impending financial disaster and wanted a “face saving” way out is what has happened, or if Fox decided to engineer his blowup. Or maybe it’s a combination of the two, each having gotten hints that it would be in both their interests to have a public spat and breakup. Seeking records of communications and other records from both Lindell’s side and Fox’s in recent weeks could make for some very interesting discovery!


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