Mike Lindell is the anti-Laurence Olivier. In 1948 Olivier did an auteur turn with Hamlet, which he wrote, directed and starred in. It won Best Picture and he won Best Actor. Decades later Mike Lindell has achieved the photographic opposite of the same feat, winning the Razzie Award for Worst Actor and his opus, Absolute Proof, described as a “faux documentary” and a “two-hour, fake news snooze-fest,” took home the big prize for Worst Picture. The Wrap:

Lindell and his voter-fraud-pushing film “Absolute Proof” beat out a field that included “Dolittle” with Robert Downey Jr., “Fantasy Island” and Sia’s “Music” for the title of the worst movie of the year at this year’s Golden Raspberry Awards (aka the Razzies). […]

Lindell wasn’t the only GOP figure who got dinged for some of the worst movie moments of the year. Rudy Giuliani won Worst Supporting Actor for appearing as himself in “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm,” where he famously got caught with his hand down his pants following an interview with Borat’s daughter. He beat out a field that included Chevy Chase, Shia LaBeouf, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis.

The $4.97 trophy with a Golden Raspberry on top is now Lindell’s, two of them in fact. And guess who else has won two razzies? Come on now, guess. I’ll give you a hint. Someone Lindell loves, someone big, fat, stupid and orange? YES! Donald Trump also has two Razzies, two impeachments and two Razzies.

I know that I upset Mike when I state the obvious, but has anybody seen his latest masterpiece, Absolute Interference? Because that is supposed to be a world changing event, which compels the Supreme Court to do a rerelease of the 2020 election. In other words, they’re going to rewind the tape of history on the great editing machine of the law, and Joe Biden’s win will be edited out, and Donald Trump will be picked off the cutting room floor and restored to the White House. Lindell assured us that this would take place in “four to six weeks” and that Trump would be “back in August.” Feel free to revise those projections, Mike, you always do.

All I know is that Absolute Interference was supposed to be released April 20, today’s the 24th, no debut — BUT — there is a rumor that it’s going to be screened on Frankspeech at four or five p.m. ET today. As always, we’ll be watching.

This is Uzilla, Yersoola, whatever Faw, your roving TR — which is “terrible reporter” or “total retard” you call it — watching for movie sign from Mike Lindell. So be ready for me to call “movie sign” and then we’ll all rush to the screening room and ad lib a review of Absolute Interference ala Mystery Science Theater 3000. Chao.

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  1. Call me cray but there is a combination of an extra syllable (ter ater the inition in) and missing words in the title Lindell has given to his project. I’m pretty sure it should Mikey should be calling it:
    Absolute Bat-Shit-Crazy Wingnut Asshat INFERence

  2. This is an ongoing clown show, really, with Lindell as the feature event while Roger the Dodger and Traitor Trump do cameos. Giuliani must be due to do a turn shortly.
    So nice that he and Trump both won two Razzies each – and Lindell will no doubt have next year’s award in the bag with Absolut Inference (what flavour vodka is that?). Maybe I’ll watch some of it (if he dumps it on YouTube at some point) but I’m already feeling Absolute Indifference towards it.

    • I don’t think he can dump it on You Tube. I think they banned him after he was instrumental in the Capitol riot. He put a 14-page manifesto on Twitter and that’s what got him banned there. I think that same incident got him banned on You Tube but I don’t recall.

  3. I’ve suddenly realised that he’s right about 2b people signing up. Unfortunately for him, and typical of his expertise in software, he didn’t realise that what he had was a hexadecimal number. It was actually 2B and that, in denary, is all of 42 people

  4. “Chao”, as in “Elaine”, Yoorsilla?

    Great pun!

    Of course, for the record–it’s actually got TWO correct spellings.

    There’s the original, Eye-talian version, spelled “Ciao!”, which still needs one more vowel IMHO. It’s like “Aloha” for Europeans–hello and good bye, and much overused by newcomers like me.

    Then there’s the Brasilian version, spelled “Tchau!” In their peculiar Latin phonetic twist.


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