This is so lame. The cyber symposium in Sioux Falls, touted as a shot heard round the world kind of an event, is actually closer to the sound of a row of sparklers on the 4th of July, when the breeze blows the water sprinkler too close. There’s not even a snap of fireworks in that case, it’s just a soggy fizzle. It’s momentary and unremarkable and that describes this pseudo scientific fest as well.

Those of us who were paying attention to this farce, and it’s substantially lower than the billion viewers that Mike Lindell said he hoped to attract, were wondering what he would do when all was said and done. Now we know. He’s blaming his laughable display on evil forces that only exist in his own head. Lindell describes being mugged Wednesday night, although there is no independent corroboration of that event, and I have yet to find out if a police report was filed. And he claims that some friend of the elections official from Colorado had his home broken into. These events are randomly blamed on “Antifa.” Lame doesn’t even begin to describe it. This is Lindell-lame, a new phrase that should be coined and put in the dictionaries to describe a situation which you knew was going to be weak and farcical and then just devolves into something pathetic. That is Lindell-lame.

Let us go onto the specifics of this relentless persecution by Antifa. Salon:

The purported presence of antifa has been the subject of many rumors among organizers and attendees of Lindell’s “cyber symposium, although no such radical infiltrators have been visible at any point. A security guard at the Lindell event, asked by Salon on Tuesday afternoon about the abundance of security checkpoints, said there was concern over “guns” and “antifa” making it into the gathering.

On Thursday morning, Waldron claimed that “really radical folks outside [are] trying to penetrate” the event. No anti-fascist activists were visible outside the auditorium unless one counts the three people singing gospel numbers.

Instead of “antifa” being outside, merely three people were preaching deep in singing gospel songs.

That looks pretty wild and wooly, doesn’t it? Seriously, I faced more danger going to the local 7-11 in Los Angeles, where there would always be at least two homeless people on the sidewalk.

Here’s Lindell talking about the burglarization of the home of one of Tina Peters’ (elections official from Mesa County, Colorado) friends. Now, if this took place, of course that’s a bad thing. But the connection between being a friend of somebody speaking at the cyber symposium and Antifa deciding to burglarize your home in retaliation is a little too attenuated for me.

As to Lindell getting mugged “attacked” whatever, he said at the start of the symposium that the finest security available had been hired. Where was this platinum level protection when he needed it?

This effort to get sympathy is just plain lame. This clip is eight minutes long. About half of that is Lindell’s preacher doing a blessing and the rest is poor me, “they” are out to get me.

Then there’s this on “agitators” and “provocateurs” out in the crowd.

Here’s more. Antifa ate their homework.

It’s not Lindell’s fault. He had the bestest, most perfect evidence anybody could ever want to see but first “NSA F**ked Us” and then Antifa won out in the end. It’s the Deep State folks, what can you do?

If there’s any entertainment to be derived out of this shit show slithering out of Sioux Falls by the end of the day, we’ll of course note it here, but don’t hold your breath. This show has flopped.

Here’s the bottom line on Lindell and this farce: He’s got an unhealthy and unnatural fixation with the 2020 election. I am no psychologist, but somehow he has hooked up frustrations in his psyche with the frustration of Trump losing the election and that kicked off some fantasy world for him to dwell in. He bought the Big Lie hook, line and sinker.

Because he has money he can afford to publicize his neurosis and hire people and rent meeting halls to gather together and ratify his delusion to some extent. As they say in Hollywood, money talks and bullshit walks. If you have the gold you make the rules and that’s what Lindell did. He sunk a lot of money into this folly and there is always somebody there with their hand out to cosign on somebody’s fantasy as long as there’s a paycheck in it.

The next point of note will be when the litigation train starts rolling down the track. If Lindell has a lick of sense he’ll be saving his money and his energy for that.



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  1. I am so so tired of the republiQanons pulling the Antifa boogyman out their A$$! Antifa DOES NOT EXIST! And if it did, every patriotic American would be a card carrying member!! Every time that Antifa is pulled out of someone’s a$$, that someone is saying that they are a fascist! Think about it…Antifa is supposed to be an anti-fascist organization. Of course the GQP are fascists, thats why they want to make the Orange A$$-Clown Dick-tater!

  2. Well…if the entire media including OAN and Newsmax (andof course social media!) wasn’t conspiring against him then you’d know MGT has been trying to explain why Lindell’s big reveal met with disaster. You see, I happened to see her in person wandering around my neighborhood spreading the word – George Soros hired some special experts to modify the Jewish Space lasers designed to start California wildfires into microwave emitters that emit liberal antifa brain wave cooties and ALL the stores in the area were in on the plot and took ALL the REAL tinfoil off their shelves & substituted FAKE tinfoil so no one involved in the production of the “symposium” could take action to counter yet another attack on poor ole Mikey Lindell because their tinfoil hats didn’t work. (Hey, going off on a ridicule themed tangent like this for fun is sometimes the only kind of fun I get to have these days!)

  3. Murf,
    As you say, you’ve been paying close attention to this My Pillow farce, but at the end of the day (and let’s hope this is pretty close to the end) it IS a farce, a shit show, horribly fascinating but not the main event. I hope Politizoom will have some coverage of the developing Jeffrey Clark/Mark Meadows affair, which I really think IS the skein leading to the main event. and which ought to blow wide open pretty soon as this is way past the point where Trump and his MAGAhats lost control of the story line. It makes sense of everything that’s happened behind the scenes and eventually in plain sight over the past year and more. Meadows is Trump’s John Mitchell; they held this story back for months but it’s now beginning to look like Watergate, except WAY more serious. And we’re still waiting for the real Mike Flynn story, which I’m sure is even worse. Meadows is just Trump’s yes man, co-dependent and enabler; Flynn is an insane megalomaniac that scared even Meadows.

  4. “Where was this platinum level protection when he needed it?” Ursula, honey, Lindell said that he hired the best security available—-I assume anyone really good was UNavailable….at least for him to hire….


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