One of the most interesting jobs in broadcasting belongs to Brannon Howse. He is simultaneously the straight man, the shrink and the father confessor to Mike Lindell. His job is to sit and nod and go along with whatever insanity comes out of the boss’s mouth. If I had the job, I’d wear earplugs and take a lot of downers. Maybe that’s what Howse does. It explains his continuous serene demeanor.

You may have caught the news story last night that Walmart has said sayonara to MyPillow. Lindell is not sanguine about that. No, Sir. He is apoplectic. How dare they say what they will sell on their shelves. Who do they think they are, anyway?

I don’t know what Lindell’s blood pressure is, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he popped a vessel on the air one of these days.

Disgusting cowards reducing your bottom line by $10 million annually. Ouch. That must smart. I assure you, I wouldn’t know from personal experience. When I worked in corporate America, I had to labor for a year to get what Kimberly Guilfoyle made for two and a half minutes on January 6, introducing Donald Trump, $60K.

Now, class, flip back in your notes just a few days to June 11. Are you there? Do you recall this post, ‘Lindell’s Making A Movie, July 16-17, That ‘Will Change Everything’ Voice of the World Will Decide 2020′ I was just wondering if we’re still on for that. That’s exactly one month from today.

Here’s the clip if you missed it.

And don’t forget. Anybody schmirks at you, you schlamb down that computer lid. And then go open a bottle of Schmirnaff’s.

In the meantime, we will be sitting here waiting for the Voice of the World, or War of the Worlds, whatever broadcast Lindell can cobble together.


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