Brad Parscale promised a Death Star, but Mike Bloomberg is the one delivering it, and it’s aimed at Donald Trump. Bloomberg has pledged to spend $100 Million in Florida to elect Joe Biden. This is no small thing. Trump He knows that. We know that. He knows that we know. Axios:

Why it matters: Taking Florida would be close to a knockout blow for Biden, who could then win the election outright by retaining all the states that Hillary Clinton won in 2016 and defeating President Trump in one of the following swing states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina or Arizona.

The big picture: Cook Political Report on Thursday shifted its prediction for Florida from “leans Democratic” to “toss up,” after a number of polls showed the race tightening. Some Biden advisers have expressed concern about his soft support among Hispanic voters, who make up more than 20% of the electorate in Florida.

Between the lines: Bloomberg’s aim is to encourage enough early voting to “give lie to what we expect to be Trump’s election night messaging that Democrats are stealing the election, because unlike other battleground states, Florida counts its absentee ballots on or by Election Day,” said Bloomberg adviser Howard Wolfson.

This is a very smart tactical move. Trump is counting on chaos and confusion and the “red mirage” which is a scenario that shows Trump winning on election night, but losing when mail-in ballots are counted. Winning Florida up front on election night would take a lot of the wind out of Trump’s sails — and so his reaction is exactly what you would expect.

Trump can flail away on Twitter all that he wants to. The facts remain that

1. Parscale spent money like a drunken sailor, including $15K a month fees to Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle;

2. The Trump campaign raised less than half the amount of money in August that Biden/Harris did;

3. Now Mike Bloomberg has come out of the shadows with his wallet and who knows where that might go? Florida might just be the beginning.

Bloomberg just ratcheted up the level of Trump’s problems, considerably. He better have another dose of Adderall or whatever he’s taking these days, because he is quite evidently taking something. If the rest of his rallies show him in the same condition that he was in on Saturday night in Nevada, he’s going to be the first candidate in history to go straight to rehab after the election. That is, if he doesn’t collapse first.


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  1. I’m voting he will collapse. I don’t think his body can hold up to that level of abuse and he is way too prideful to ever go to rehab.

    • I don’t think he’s done. I’m waiting with bated breath to see if Bloomberg kicks in money for Michigan. Remember, Bloomberg pledged that he was going to kick in massive amounts of money and then he just vanished. I take it as a great sign that he’s back in the game.

      • Bloomberg was obviously picking his moment. Too soon or too late and he’s ineffective. And yeah, without Florida, Trump IS done. No Republican president has won the EC without it since at least Reagan. The biggest difference between Trump and Biden is that the former has more can’t-lose states he’s behind in. Bloomberg is just tipping it over in the right direction.

        • Spending more money than Trump can lay his hands on for one state — pretty humorous by any comparison … maybe DJT can unfurl one or more of his claimed billions …. NOT Har Har …

  2. If I remember correctly after suspending his campaign Bloomberg said on the record he’d commit a billion dollars to defeating Trump. I’ve been wondering about that lately because he seemed to have disappeared like he was in witness protection or something. One hundred million isn’t a billion, but it’s a hellva lot to spend over two freaking months. And all in one state. I hope you’re correct and this is just the opening shot. Maybe, just maybe he’s about to roll out an entire “broadside” (in battleship terminology it means firing all nine of the sixteen inch guns – a full broadside literally moves even a behemoth New Jersey class battleship sideways in the water!) at Trump. I took note of your comment about FL being a major state that’s in play that counts its mail in ballots starting on election day – meaning unless it’s close we’ll have an answer as to who wins FL on election night. Again, it’s my hope that Bloomberg has been strategizing on such things and simply waiting until the traditional start of the campaign season (after Labor Day) to start hitting Trump. HARD. Also, and even more importantly I hope he has spent these long months of silence/inactivity formulating his attack plan – one designed to hit with overwhelming force and in multiple spots and keep Trump and the GOP back on their heels reacting.

    It’s not as though the Trump campaign and the GOP aren’t already on their heels to some degree. There’s quiet discussions taking place among the mega donor class (Koch, Addelson, Mercer etc.) about from this point forward only giving token amounts to Trump AND the RNC (which in the latter case is in effect giving to Trump as everyone knows) and putting their money into key Senate races to keep us from winning that too.

    What I find fascinating is the question of, assuming things go down this way someone Trump will actually take seriously sits him down for a “no-shitter” conversation and spells it out for him. That he’s toast and has been abandoned by the mega donors and even Congressional Republicans (especially in the Senate with McConnell orchestrating it) going around him AND the RNC and directly to the mega-donors. Jarvanka might do so, if only to give them time to prepare to try and step away from the explosion coming after the election. Jared has his own legal issues and I remain convinced that long ago, he had his lawyer plan for the possibility of turning on his father-in-law to save his own ass. Ivanka will have to make a choice, and given all the state level charges pending against the Trump Org. up in New York in addition to federal charges her best bet to continue living some form of the lifestyle she’s accustomed to might be to stick with her hubby. Oh what a sight it would be – Trump’s face when his favorite (only because he wants to fuck her) telling him the equivalent of sorry daddy cakes but you’re no use to me anymore and I’M dumping YOU as my sugar daddy! Perhaps she’d have aides from the looney bin standing by with a specially designed by her straightjacket – with a big gold T on one side and MAGA on the other! Because in that moment Trump would truly need it.

    Getting back to Bloomberg and Trump’s twitter insults, it has to eat at Trump’s core that Bloomberg started out with none of the advantages Fred Trump bestowed on him, and built an empire that could by Trump’s, even by Trump’s wildly over-inflated estimate of it’s worth countless times over.

    One final thought, related to self made people (even if assholes much of the time) who could buy Trump’s empire many times over wouldn’t if be fun if Mark Cuban decided to kick in say fifty or a hundred million to beat Trump? In TEXAS? Ok, I’m a weird guy I supposed that that’s the kind of fantasies I have in recent years but that’s how I roll these days.

  3. Maybe this is coming out now after the tapes made their rounds and Desanti won his round in the court about voting. I’m still wondering why he hasn’t caught this virus being so close to all the people that have

  4. Bloomberg would get more electoral bng out of his big bucks if he paidd the fines that DeSantis i imposing on ex-felons. Here’s hoping he gets that message.


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