Mike Jagger is at the Venice Film Festival this weekend, promoting his film Burnt Orange Heresy, in which he plays an art dealer, his first starring role in a film in eighteen years. Young climate change protesters are present, chanting, “listen to your children,” and “turn the red carpet green,” and Jagger absolutely concurs, as he blames Donald Trump for America’s abdication of leadership in crucial climate reforms. Rolling Stone:

“We are in a very difficult situation at the moment, especially in the U.S., where all the environmental controls that were put in place – that were just about adequate – have been rolled back by the current administration so much that they are being wiped out,” Jagger said of the Trump administration. “The U.S. should be the world leader in environmental control but now it has decided to go the other way.”

Jagger continued, “I am so glad that people feel so strongly about that that they want to protest. I’m absolutely behind that. I’m glad they’re doing that because they’re the ones who are going to inherit the planet.”

Jagger and co-star Donald Sutherland also slammed leaders like Trump, [Boris] Johnson and Argentina’s Jair Balsonaro who divide rather than unite. “In so many countries, including my own this last week… but particularly the U.S, it’s a bit of a sea change. It is not about manners,” Jagger said, adding that he feared “where all this polarization and rudeness and lying [is going to lead us].”

Sutherland added, “Mick is right, the controls [in the U.S.] under Obama were barely adequate – now they are being torn apart. It’s the same in Brazil and they will be torn apart in England [under Brexit]… When you are 85 years old and you have children and grandchildren, we will leave them nothing if we do not vote those people out of office in Brazil and in London and in Washington. They are ruining the world. We have contributed to the ruination of it, but they are ensuring it.”

Jagger says his film is about what’s fake and what’s true and it “is never clear who is telling truth.” Yahoo:

“This movie is about fake(ness) and truth speaks to some of that, so it is part of this modern dialogue,” he told reporters.

“We are going through a very strange time. You know you are living in it but you don’t know what is going to happen at the end.”

Jagger is 76 years old and the present is the strangest time he’s lived through. So say we all. His film is not about Trump, but it certainly is well named for the times we live in. The Burnt Orange Heretic himself dwells in the White House.

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    • HA! Absolutely. And Jagger is the one with the fine education in economics, not Trump. Trump lies about having attending Wharton. Jagger did attend London School of Economics.

    • I find it interesting that Boris Johnson is going down in flames with the Brits as fast as he is and we’re still battling the cantaloupe Caligulia.

    • Since he’s a celebrity, I would say yes. You know what I wonder? Why is Trump still playing, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want?” I thought the Stones put a kabash on that back in 2016.

      • You know Himself doesn’t pay any attention to that. He wants what he wants when he wants it, and other rules can’t possibly apply to *him*.

      • I’m streaming SiriusXM as I read this post and, guess what is playing? Yea huh “You Can’t Always Get What You Want?” The Rolling Stones GOAT

  1. I just hope,pray and more important am activating that the Rolling Stone gathers no moss and that his words and film can make a major difference against the troglodytes in Washington, Britain and Brazil ,


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