Remember “Defund the Police?” It was quite the catchy slogan and let’s face it, police brutality which has a long and ugly history of being directed disproportionately towards minorities needed (and still does) addressing. But defund police? Conservatives used it against Democrats and effectively. Despite seeing the evidence the slogan was harmful some insisted on sticking with it. It got them attention. It got them donations. And it also got some Republicans wins they might well not have gotten. But those who “sold” the slogan and refused to walk it back were oh so pleased with their “clever” turn of phrase. Now, this “Vote Uncommitted” in the Democratic primary in Michigan will I fear wound President Biden.

You can read more about it in this article by the Detroit Free Press that came out late election night.  The article doesn’t talk about it but I saw Democratic Representative Jaypal, one of the drivers of the “Uncommitted” movement say “Of course come November those who vote uncommitted in the primary will vote for the President. Really? Because I saw plenty of voter interviewed who say otherwise. They are far from a lock come November and from where I sit it’s because some Democratic leaders decided a “message” needed to be sent to the President.

What exactly? From the beginning he’s pushed Israel to target it’s attacks against Hamas and make every effort to avoid harming civilians. According to reporting things have gotten more than a bit testy between him and Netanyahu. He’s had Secretary of State Blinken making so many trips to the middle east to pressure Israel, and to get other countries to bring pressure to bear on both Israel and Hamas to ratchet things down. Thanks to Biden’s efforts we’ve had both cease fires/(some) hostages returned. We’re told we are on the brink of yet another cease fire with detail perhaps agreed to sometime this weekend.

So my question for the “send a message” folks is WHAT and I mean EXACTLY else would you have the President do? Sever diplomatic relations with Israel and immediately cut off all aid/support? I’m serious. WHAT? You want him to press for a cease fire. He’s done so from early on. You want him to press for the return of all  hostages and the bodies of those who are dead. He’s done so from early on.


I for one trust all manner of pressure is being applied behind the scenes as well. So again I ask the critics just what the &#@k you would have him be doing? And dammit I want specifics!  None of this “more”, or “well…”something” sh*t.  That simply doesn’t cut it. Not with me.  In the meantime you’ve taken away a key point we were using to hammer the crap out of Trump with. About how not only was he not pulling 90% plus of the vote in GOP primaries, but not even 80%. You think conservatives aren’t going to point to Biden only getting eighty percent in Michigan and crow, and worse raise money off it? Or make inroads with independents about Democrats/Biden messing up the Israel/Hamas war? Because they will.

But right now your chests are all puffed up. “We showed him!” you dipsh*ts are saying. And just like the “Defund the Police” you folks have done incalculable damage.

I am SO effing angry at fellow Democrats who either voted for, or if in another state advocated the “Send a message – vote uncommitted” thing I’m beside myself. I honestly don’t know what President Biden could do short of pulling out of our embassy over there, kicking out the Israeli Ambassador from this country and abandoning Israel.

Oh, and for those of you who might point to the U.N., if we join in a resolution condemning Israel their enemies in the region will pounce. Militarily. And this will spread into a regional war, and one that will cost U.S blood. Think about THAT.  Because that’s what would happen, same as if we cut diplomatic ties and/or other aid.

Here’s my opinion. Get your smug “We sure told HIM!” azzes to work undoing the damage you’ve done. Because you’ve sown doubt where we couldn’t afford ANY. Not on top of the age bullsh*t.

If I literally had the gifts of Shakespeare I wouldn’t be able to put into words the level of snark/sarcasm when I say “Nice job a-holes!”


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  1. A better point would be this: If you’re unhappy with Biden, who do you think is more likely to listen to your side, Biden or the GOP? The GOP, for all the anti-Semitic folks they’ve got are NOT going to give any consideration to the Palestinian side, not even if all the Arab friendlies beg nicely (hell, even after Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem–tacitly recognizing Israel’s “official” capital–the Arab states did almost nothing).
    The Trump administration did NOTHING to move the two-state plan any further, even openly supporting Netanyahu at EVERY step. But, sure. Don’t support Biden now and “teach him a lesson” and see what that gets. The GOP can use every “uncommitted” Democrat over Palestine to show the Jewish community (a reliably Democratic voting bloc) that the Dems are as anti-Semitic as any of the “good conservatives who’ve been unfairly labeled as anti-Semites by the liberal community.” (And I can just about guarantee that material in quotes will appear in GOP ads almost verbatim.)

    • Bingo. Former guy’s administration’s hat tip to the Israel/Arab issue Jar-jar brokering deals between Israel and United Arab Emirates and Bahrain — countries all concerned about Iranian influence — while leaving the Israeli-Palestinian disputes unresolved. Everyone with at least half a brain knew this was as worthless as teats on a bull. Today even the folks with less than half a brain should know this as well. Netanyahu is a p.o.s. criminal who needs to be prosecuted and jailed for his corruption but trump is a p.o.s. on the bottom of someone’s shoe who hopefully WILL be jailed for his crimes/corruption.

      There are no easy solutions to the Israel/Arab problem. Perhaps there isn’t a solution at all–I am no expert in geopolitical issues so I do not see what others might. I do know this having lived in places like Mississippi, Texas, etc. where evangs, southern baptists, etc. would mention, often, they “support” a Jewish state so they have someplace to send the Jews when they install a xtian taliban (no, not those words but that meaning) as our government–oh, and only the prescribed amount mentioned in the n.t. This was back in the 80’s f.f.s. Of course we’ve seen exactly what trump thinks of Muslims or have Arab Americans forgotten his Muslim ban (s)?

      So, Arab Americans-think real hard before you thumb your nose at President Biden over something that has been problematic for a very long time and might not be solved in our lifetimes…or even our grandchildren’s lifetimes. The alternative is considerably worse and if you had been paying attention you would realize this.

      I find it astounding they need to be reminded of this.

  2. Totally agree…The Israelis need to remove Bibi for all his crimes, Biden cannot go into a democracy and take out the leader. The ignorance and arrogance of these idiots boggle the mind. Trump would tell bibi just drop a nuke. Grow the phuck up assholes. To pretend we know what is going on behind the scenes is ludicrous. What Bibi is doing is a War Crime! If you phuckers are SOOOO committed then get your gasoline, go to the gates of the Israeli embassy, and SET YOURSELF ON FIRE, like that brave young airman Aaron did. Otherwise stick your protest vote up your asses. You voted for FASCISM!

  3. OK, take note and turn it to President Biden’s advantage. “Look,” as he is fond of saying, “I hear you. But here’s the reality: Number One, trumpy moved the embassy to Jerusalem, antagonizing the Palestinians, I didn’t; Number Two, I can’t control bibi, you should know that; and Number Three, it’s been Democratic Presidents who have been supporting the two state solution for decades , who was President when the Oslo Accords were signed and Jimmy Carter got Egypt & Israel together, didn’t he?”

    Throw in a “#4 trumpy Muslim ban…” if you want.

    The stupidity of these “show him a lesson” people is astounding.

    They are the ones who need a lesson.

    A history lesson!!!

  4. I understand that President Biden is in a tricky predicament (and he is still my candidate by far) but America must do a better job of forcing Israel to let in food and aid trucks into Gaza. A genocide is happening while the world watches.

    • Jordan is dropping aid near the beach/coast so I wonder why more countries aren’t trying to do the same.
      Also, I don’t understand some of these protesters don’t demand that all the hostages be released and that hamas not use the population of Gaza as shields. Both of those situations could make a big difference.


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