Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer hasn’t exactly been lounging around the pool since her reelection in November of 2022, her current term has been a whirlwind of activity aimed at benefiting the people of her state and should serve as a model for what happens when a state elects a Democratic Governor and a Democrat majority in their legislature.

Among her many accomplishments are:

“Signing over 1,000 bipartisan bills, collaborating with Democrats and Republicans in the legislature.

Moved dirt to fix the damn roads, repairing over 16,000 lane miles and more than 1,200 bridges, while supporting over 89,000 good-paying jobs.

Rolled back the retirement tax and quintupled the Working Families Tax Credit, putting $1 billion back into Michiganders’ pockets.

Repealed the extreme 1931 abortion ban and expanded the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act.

Signed common sense gun violence prevention bills that keep Michigan communities safe.

Established Michigan as a top state for electric vehicle and battery investments, winning $16.6 billion in investment and more than 16,000 good-paying jobs.

Secured over 35,000 auto jobs since taking office, and oversaw unemployment rates under 4% two out of three times they have ever been that low in Michigan history.

Worked to ensure access to quality, affordable health care and lowered the costs of prescription drugs in Michigan.”

But there is still a lot of work to do and more campaigns to win, and to that end she and her messaging team in Lansing have partnered with a high profile influencer…


Michigan Live

“The Michigan Governor’s office capitalized on the social media ubiquity of “Barbie” to near-viral success this week by depicting an 11.5-inch, fuchsia suit-wearing version of the state’s chief executive.

Social media posts of Gretchen Whitmer-Barbie produced by the governor’s staff have exploded on social media in the run-up to the much-ballyhooed movie’s release Friday.

The post have been so widely shared that The New York Times wrote a full-fledged style section feature on the outreach strategy…

… Politicos and public relations experts have fawned over the campaign, which was the brainchild of Whitmer’s digital director, Julia Pickett. Whitmer advisors told MLive the scene-setting in the pictures was deliberate. Barbie in a Chevrolet Corvette, a model historically made in Flint, is placed in front of cones meant to symbolize Whitmer’s emphasis on road infrastructure. The doll seated at a desk depicts Whitmer signing legislation, which is, of course, pink.”

Whitmer and her team are making good use of the Barbie meme on Twitter much to the delight of her followers:


Good idea but I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

You wish.

But as is the case with most high profile person on Twitter, Gov. Whitmer has her detractors also:

Sour grapes.

You have been doing a great job cleaning up the mess that Republicans left you with, Governor.

Don’t let the naysayers bring you down.

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  1. I’ve always been a bit wary of Governors with no time in either chamber of Congress becoming President – there’s a tendency to want to run the federal govt. like they did their states but there are key differences. Still, Whitmer and Gavin Newsome too have solid experience in large states with diverse economies, and in Whitmer’s case a state that has a GOP with enough clout to require working across the aisle. The country could do a lot worse. I also think Harris would be good although with the rise of racism in this country it would be tough for her to succeed Biden. Don’t kid yourself. Trump may well get his clock cleaned (again) next year but it’s a problem either way. He’ll still have clout and stoke racism and a candidate will be pick who will. BUT, if the GOP finally “gets the memo” and moves past Trump I think a lot of folks will be startled at how quickly they will recover. I’m old enough to remember how it was assumed in 1976 that the GOP would be in the wilderness until well into the 1980s, but we got Reagan and a bunch of GOPers or about to be (after switching Parties) GOPers.

    The main thing is we ARE developing I strong bench.

    • Republicans were going to be in the wilderness until they decided to switch parties. Rick Perry was a democrat in Texas. Reagan convinced them that it was okay to be the party of racists in the republican party. The rest is history.



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